Of animal sacrifice and locally grown cattle

Nilratan Halder | Published: June 23, 2023 21:44:54

Of animal sacrifice and locally grown cattle

There is hardly any occasion other than the Eid-ul-Adha for which farmers --- cattle raisers to be precise --- take such a long preparation for marketing the saleable. Most varieties of agricultural produce takes a year at best to be marketable but rearing and fattening an ox or oxen takes years. This is done in order to make a hefty profit. The story of the transformation of a mere calf to a full grown ox is, however, fascinating and at times an emotional affair for a poor family. If there is a child in the family, it also grows, although not at the same rate, along with the ox and the two growing lives develop an emotional attachment between them. Economic compulsion drives the family to put the ox on sale but the animal's human soul mate cannot accept parting with it. Yet the little one has to, ultimately, notwithstanding a heartbreak it suffers. The feeling, however, is reciprocal and its expression from the animal can be quite touching too.
Well, emotion apart, here is a great time for cattle business. Until recently, Bangladesh had to depend on import and even smuggling of cattle from neighbouring countries. In this respect, the incumbent Indian BJP government's affiliated political parties did a great favour to Bangladesh by fanning a vicious campaign in favour of protection of cattle. Ironically, India was the largest beef exporter in 2015, surpassing more recognised exporters like Brazil and Australia. Then how did it do Bangladesh a favour? In the face of opposition to cattle export, its smaller neighbour set about raising cattle to meet its own demand. Today, the country has enough home-grown cattle for sacrifice on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha. So, the authorities now have to be extra vigilant to smuggling of sacrificial animals in to the country.
In fact, the country's dairy farms had been peaking up long before the initiative was taken to develop farms for bulls with the sole purpose of meeting the need for red meat. What is particularly satisfying is that young educated youths came forward to develop their cattle farms, in some cases with provision for both bulls and cows so that they could produce meat and milk. Their involvement with this particular agro-product business has revolutionised the country's cattle farm. With hundreds of cows and bulls in them, the farms have added a new dimension to the country's economy. In the process, the enterprising youths have created employment for a large number of local people as well. This is how cattle farms have flourished in the country and today Bangladesh can declare it no longer depends on imported oxen for either sacrifice or its yearly requirement for red meat.
Now these farms raise not just the local varieties of cows, oxen or bulls, they also boast rearing some exotic world famous breeds like Holstein-Friesian, Jersy, Sahiwal, Sindhi, Hariana, Brahman etc; along with highly popular local but rare stocks like Red Chittagong, Munshiganj cattle and North Bengal Grey cattle. Some of these local varieties are raised and fattened targeting the Eid market.
Unlike the emotional touch involved with the raising of an ox by a family, these are commercial ventures where money speaks. Yet some individual breeders come up with bulls of enormous size and shape. They also give their pet a name which go well with the gigantic animal. Kala Pahar, Samrat, Don and may more only refer to their girth and weight. They fetch the breeder a few millions of Taka. Their customers are the special ones who more often than not buy the prized bull for ostentatious purpose rather than to go by the religious edict in letter and spirit.
This year the authorities have declared that no animal carrying vehicle or vessel can be stopped or diverted anywhere against the will of traders. The idea is to stop extortion. But will the order be complied with? Only time can tell how the parasites who are out to make some unearned money on the
occasion will behave. But it can be said that they
will not give up so easily. Let the law enforcement agencies take extra care to protect the interests
of farmers who come to the cities in the hope of getting the reward for their years of toils devoted to tending the animals.
Finally, the online purchase of animals under a package that covers all aspects of sacrifice from slaughter to meat preparation in a hygienic way is on offer. It means the full Qurbani service is provided by some e-commerce platforms for the benefit of those who are unwilling to go through the many hassles and troubles involved in the process.

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