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Panama ratifies free trade deal with US

July 13, 2007 00:00:00

PANAMA CITY, Panama, July 12 (AP): Panama's legislature ratified a free trade agreement with the United States Wednesday amid protests by hundreds of leftists and farmers opposed to the deal.
The National Assembly's approval of the pact by an overwhelming 58-3 margin, with one abstention, comes two weeks after it was signed by both governments in Washington. The agreement must still be ratified by the Democrat-controlled US Congress.
"The treaty is a positive step for Panama to become an important exporter," said lawmaker Pedro Miguel Gonzales of the ruling Democratic Revolution Party.
In Washington, US Trade Representative Susan Schwab applauded the agreement's approval.
"This swift action taken by Panama means that they have fully accepted the provisions of the May 10th Bipartisan Trade Agreement," Schwab said in a news release.
On May 10, US lawmakers forged new trade policy guidelines that require free trade agreement countries be committed to adopting and enforcing laws that abide by basic international labour standards.
Opponents of the free trade treaty, including farmers and unions, say Panamanian producers cannot compete with their US counterparts.
"This accord is a disaster for products and it benefits the oligarchAbout 400 protesters gathered outside Panama's legislature but left without incident after a couple of hours.

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