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Politicians are ensnared: is there any way out?

M Jalal Hussain | May 31, 2014 00:00:00

The welfare, development, peace and plethora of a country are at the hands of the politicians who are responsible and vested with the specific tasks. The duties and responsibilities of the politicians, political leaders and the citizens at large are generally collocated perfectly in the constitution of a country. Do the politicians, political leaders of Bangladesh know their constitutional responsibilities, their duties to the country? To the citizens? What's going on in Bangladesh in the fields of law, order and security? When we switch on the electronic media like TV, internet news, everyday we come across with the sad and cataclysmic news like people get killed by rival political party workers, people get killed by the same political group workers for personal and political gains, politicians get kidnapped and disappear from this nice world, wife is killed by husband and so on and on. Most of the people get killed are political workers, supporters, in other words all are politicians belong to any of the 101 political parties in Bangladesh. Isn't it political cynicism? Psychopathic?  Ladies and gents with weak hearts, now-a-days are scared of reading newspapers and watching local TV channels with the news of killings, hijacking, kidnapping and many more pieces of shocking and awful news.

Having the highest number of political parties in a country, Bangladesh genuinely deserves to be well-placed in Guinness Book. The political culture, tradition and mythology in the country need revolutionary changes not only for the safety, security and progress of the people but most prominently for the security and safety of the politicians who are getting killed, kidnapped and disappearing from this beautiful world. Difference of opinions, ideologies always persists in politics. But politics of conflicts, violence, confrontation, onslaught, killings, kid-napping and annihilation of opposition parties is neither desirable for the general people nor for the politicians. In this 21st century, the political mythology, tradition and practice have remarkably improved in many countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The people, politicians and the political leaders of those countries are enjoying the benefits and fruits of better political culture.

The African continent, about a decade ago, was considered politically debased and derailed due to anarchism, political violence between government and rival groups, civil wars, racism and conflicting and deadly politics in some countries. But the present political scenarios are completely different and economists term Africa a "rising continent". The political culture of the whole world is revolutionarily changed and remarkably improved. Unfortunately Bangladesh appears to be an exception in this respect though the country achieved its independence from British rule in 1947 and from Pakistani rule in 1971.

The politicians of Bangladesh are found to be moronic and nescient about what's going on in the arena of politics in the present world and none is taking lessons. India is geographically a very big country with 1.25 billion people, which recently conducted it national parliamentary election in all its provinces. How many people, politicians, political workers or political supporters got killed there? How many candidates got killed or kidnapped? How many ballot boxes were hijacked? How many buses, public transports, private vehicles were burned by the politicians and by their supporters? United States is a very big country with 55 states, 60 times bigger than Bangladesh. How many political parties do US have? How many people, politicians or political leaders get killed at the time of Presidential election or Senate election? In sharp contrast, Bangladesh's political scenario gives a devastating, gloomy and dreadful picture at the time of changing government by conducting election. The political aftermaths and backlashes continue for years together and the politicians of both the parties in power and that in opposition are the worst sufferers.

There is no unanimity, unity, consensus, compromise and understanding between the politicians in this ill-fated country. The intellectuals, professionals, journalists, academicians, students, politicians, political leaders and political supporters -- all are divided into many segments of ideologies and beliefs. As a result there's no proper protest against crimes, injustice and wrongdoings. Thorough analysis of Bangladesh's political consuetude, squeals that firstly there is a cyclical relationship between inter-party conflict, political violence, and inter-party enmity; and secondly, inter-party conflict and violence at the horizontal level leads to political non-cooperation and stalemate at the vertical level between the ruling party and the opposition. Political violence emerges from a deep-rooted political culture of intolerance, antagonism, revenge and arrogance. Apparent immediate causes of political violence are expressions of underlying differences and rifts along the lines of ideological, political, religious and institutional dimensions. Political violence results in distrust, institutionalisation of violence as a legitimate means of political expression and socialisation of violence-politics for the new generation of party loyalists.

At the time of our boyhood, we found the politicians, the students, journalists, intellectuals and professionals fight and protest hand in hand against injustice, oppression, violation of laws, crimes and political anarchy. It's a nightmare at the present political scenario. Absence of rule of law and justice has created an unwanted and unjustified political impasse highly pernicious and nocuous to the politicians and made them ensnared. To come out from the enigmatic trap is very difficult but the ways are not closed sine die.

The present political tradition and practice need to be revolutionised keeping pace with the true democracy practiced by economically, socially and democratically developed countries. Upholding constitution, establishing democracy, rule of law and justice can salvage the trapped politicians. Section 27 of Bangladesh constitution says: "All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law". Upholding this section by the politicians and political leaders can save the country, its citizens and the politicians from the imminent political catastrophe. The peace-loving people of the country are optimistic and are anxiously waiting to see when the daily grungy, dreadful, awesome and shocking news items will knock the wisdom, will and conscience of the politicians of the country and instigate them to come up with perpetual solutions to the political quagmire of the country and stop further loss of valuable lives.

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