Reform in Venezuela will respect private property: Chavez

FE Team | Published: July 24, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

CARACAS, Venezuela, July 23 (AP): President Hugo Chavez assured private property owners their rights will be guaranteed in Venezuela under a pending constitutional reform, as long as proprietors and investors respect the law.
"Our socialism accepts private property," Chavez said in comments published Sunday on the Web site of Union Radio. "It's only that this private property must be within the framework of the constitution."
He did not elaborate, saying only that he would present his proposal to lawmakers in the coming weeks. Few details have emerged from a committee Chavez has appointed to draft the proposed overhaul.
Critics accuse Chavez of steering this oil-rich South American nation toward Cuba-style communism, and many wealthy Venezuelans fear second homes, yachts or other assets could be seized.
Chavez denies copying Havana's economic model, and counters that Venezuela's socialist reforms will merely broaden the concept of ownership.
Speaking during his weekly radio and television programme "Hello President" Sunday, Chavez also announced an initiative to slash the salaries of Venezuela's top public servants.
"I'm going to begin a fight against the mega-salaries," Chavez said, adding that no public servant should make more than $7,000 a month. Most Venezuelans make minimum wage - roughly $250 a month.
Reducing the pay of top government officials has become a popular move in Latin America. The presidents Nicaragua, Bolivia, Peru and Costa Rica recently cut salaries, including their own, in response to widespread criticism.

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