Security law in Hong Kong: The crying need

Dilip Barua | Published: June 26, 2020 21:31:40

Security law in Hong Kong: The crying need

The British had entered China as opium businessmen. Later on, they occupied Hong Kong as their colony in 1841. After occupying Hong Kong the UK government had implemented a highly-centralised political system. Hong Kong's colonial governors were appointed by the British monarch instead of being democratically elected, and they wielded immense political power. Under British rule, Hong Kongese could not enjoy equal citizenship and equal participation in politics, and they suffered from British bullying.
But an outstanding leader like Comrade Deng Xiaoping had formulated the one country two systems and afterwards in 1997 the colonial rule of British was over with handover of Hong Kong to the government of the People's Republic of China. Thus Hong Kong has become the legal and sovereign component of China, with its basic law constitution as desired by the NPC, which issues such formal power as China's formal legislative body. Hong Kong has autonomy, but it is not something "independent" of China. It is legally and constitutionally part of China. Before unification with mainland China, the Hong Kongese were the citizens of a colonial country and they did not enjoy the fundamental rights of citizens. Now they are the proud citizens of a prosperous and prestigious country like the People's Republic of China. Hong Kongese are enjoying a unique way of life, the economic and social systems are not going to change while "two systems means two systems", "one country means one country".
But at the present time, 23 years after returning to China Hong Kong enjoys a high degree of autonomy and Hong Kong people also enjoy much more political rights. Ever since Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, the city had nothing to do with the UK. However, some British politicians like Chris Patten still dream that the UK has dominance over Hong Kong. The UK's intervention in Hong Kong's affairs will be nothing but verbal complaints, trying to show its sense of presence. According to my understanding, it can never truly affect Hong Kong's affairs.
After returning to China, Hong Kong has benefited greatly from various preferential economic policies, and Guangdong - HongKong - Macau Greater Bay Area is also a huge support for Hong Kong's development. Under the "one country two systems" principle Hong Kong people enjoy more freedom and democracy today, and the city's economic and social system remains unchanged.
The HKSAR is an inseparable part of the People's Republic of China, and the central government exercises overall jurisdiction over Hong Kong special autonomous region. To implement and exercise the overall jurisdiction is both a right and responsibility for security and development interests, as well as maintaining prosperity and stability of the HKSAR.
But when Hong Kong was the colony of the British, the Hong Kongese did not enjoy their democratic rights and freedom. The British ruler hated the people of Hong Kong and behaved with them just a master. By this way a section of Hong Kongese was habituated with the slavish mentality. Those people did not like to reunite with the mainland China and didn't feel to be the citizens of the People's Republic of China. A section of those people are the local base of the international vested interest group. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the US played an active role in cultivating anticommunism forces in Hong Kong depending on those people internally who are against the mainland. After Hong Kong's return to the mainland, due to the absence of national security law, the US had got the opportunity to penetrate its influence into the education, social life and media spheres in Hong Kong. As last year violent and massive protest in Hong Kong came into international spotlight, the US has begun to use deep-rooted anti-communism and anti-China forces in Hong Kong to heighten its comprehensive competition with China.
The US has a strategic design to create a deadlock in Hong Kong and a tense situation in Formosa, world's rightist force. The US British alliance and its supporters like Taiwan and Japan and other anti-China forces are very active to instigate their evil forces in the eastern part of China including Hong Kong and Taiwan. The US targeted Hong Kong for an optimum unstable situation and Taiwan will give the direct support to the anti-China forces in Hong Kong. Taiwan may give the political asylum to the Hong Kongese secessionist forces even they may create a puppet Hong Kongese government in Taiwan as per direction of the USA.
In recent years, the SAR has been facing an increasingly acute situation in safeguarding national security. In particular, since the anti-extradition protests in 2019, the "Hong Kong independence" and radical separatist forces have advocated "Hong Kong independence" and organized violent crimes exhibiting a nature of terrorism supported by foreign interfering forces and "Taiwan independence" forces interfering in Hong Kong's affairs. The anti-China radicals who are patronised by the foreign powers as internal reactionary groups frequently trampled on national security, and challenged the authority of the central government and the HKSAR basic law. Moreover this kind of activities may threaten the practice of "one country, two systems" principle in Hong Kong and its prosperity. These violations seriously challenge the bottom line of the "one country, two systems" principle and seriously jeopardise state sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, and stability of Hong Kong and stability of the region. The USA always uses the flag of so-called democracy to poke their nose in the internal affairs of disliking countries for putting political pressure and blackmailing. But President Trump should focus on the genuine democratic movement of the Americans against racism and establishing a democratic system for 99 per cent of US citizens. The protests in the US are like a mirror that reflects the same and disgrace of the US politicians as well as the deep-rooted political dysfunction and chaos in the USA.
Time has proved the necessity of establishing and improving the legal system and the enforcement mechanism for the HKSAR to safeguard its integrity to ensure the long term stability of the "one country, two systems" principle and protect the prosperity and stability of the HKSAR. While Hong Kong will continue to have the highest degree of autonomy as specified, China has sovereign right to implement national security legislation in its own territory, like any country, and this does not contravene its commitments.
No single country will turn a blind eye to actions severely undermining its national security. So it is necessary China's top legislative body plugs the loopholes in Hong Kong concerning national security. It also fully demonstrates resolute defence of utmost care for the overall interests of Hong Kong, and fundamental wellbeing of Hong Kong compatriots.
Some external forces openly meddled in Hong Kong's affairs and severely challenged the bottom line of the principle of "one country, two systems". Those forces have colluded with the Hong Kong rioters which has seriously threatened China's national security. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to establish and improve the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the HKSAR to safeguard the national security. It is imperative for the central government to provide an institutional guarantee in this regard to effectively prevent national security risks, which is also a fundamental measure for the long-term stability of the "one country, two systems" principle.
The national security legislation for Hong Kong is directed at secession, subversion, terrorism, external interference. It only targets the small minority of people committing crimes to damage national security, and will in no way affect the legitimate rights and freedom enjoyed by the majority of the citizens.
To propose such a law for Hong Kong aims to not only tackle the chaos in Hong Kong, but also respond to some security threats in the country. Last year while the riots continued in Hong Kong, the US increased its effects to contain the Chinese mainland. The US intended to use Hong Kong as a pawn to counter balance. The China has become increasingly palpable. Any form of instability in Hong Kong may put the once prosperous Asian financial hub and business crossroads in long term recession. The principle object of the security law of the central government should be to protect the territory from falling into the hands of the hostile forces at any cost.
Washington tries to put pressure on China imposing sanctions against Beijing and withdrawing the customs facilities. But the USA is no longer wealthy and strong as before. It has become sick in the midst of Covid 19 pandemic and sometimes Tramp's administration is not strong enough to implement his wishes. In this situation China should go forward with implementation of the security law in the interest of Hong Kongese. When the security law will function in Hong Kong, it will earn its old reputation as a global economic hub. As the mainland China is hinterland for business, any sanction or withdrawal of facilities from Hong Kong will be a futile exercise. With a vast experience of struggle, China has already prepared for the worst in future depending on the people and the strong institutional process.

Dilip Barua is General Secretary of the Communist Party of Bangladesh (M-L) and former minister of the Ministry of Industries

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