Selection of awful symbols for UP polls

Nilratan Halder | Published: December 12, 2015 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

Bangles, meshing stone (pata puta), cooking pot, other kitchen utensils and dolls make it to the list. An uninitiated person might think that this list has been prepared by a newly married couple who are starting life together in a home of their own for the first time. Lo! you have missed the point by miles. There is the country's Election Commission which, perhaps bored by long inaction, loves to play a prank or two. Can't it have time to spare for some humour? It could go even further by including 'khunti' stirring utensil or the likes of it.  
The only problem with such a prank is that it is played at the cost of the country's women. Female candidates for the coming union parishad (UP) election have been allocated such polls symbols. True, it is the country's lowest tier of public representative body and hence the largest polls. A huge number of symbols are required for the purpose. There is need for giving enough thought to selection of the symbols.
Those who were given the responsibility for selection of symbols merrily made a random choice of domestic materials including the kitchen utensils unaware that demeaning as those are some of those can really hurt the feeling of the candidates. This is rather surprising that they did not give enough thought to this matter and had no inkling of its derogatory aspect. So accustomed are they to thinking that women's place is nowhere but in the kitchen may have prompted them to make a choice for such symbols.
The idea behind the selection of such symbols may as well be not to hurt the feeling of women. But then the obsession is so ingrained in the mindset of men that they cannot get over it. Now that there has been a raucous protest, they may as well realise their mistake but the truth is that in a patriarchal society the male chauvinism or superiority exposes itself in very many ways.
Bangles are thought to be the symbol of bondage. Who are fighting for the cause of women lib have long discarded this traditional sign of bondage or beauty (!). Other kitchen utensils or implements allocated for the candidates also do not make women proud at all. If poverty of imagination is exposed through the selection of those, it does no credit to the EC nor does it imply that enough gender sensitivity was demonstrated at the time of making the list of election symbols.
This needless and unwanted controversy could be avoided if there was a system of thorough review of the list by experts in this field. As this UP election will be held on political party line, it is not free from anticipation of violence and unfair contests. The law enforcement agencies will come under undue stress simply because such a large election will be held at the same time. There was need for arrangement of staggering election which could ensure posting of adequate security for polling centres, voters and candidates.
In a situation like this, quarters with ill motives will try to fish in the muddy water. The needless controversy will add fuel to the fire. Apparently, this election looks simple but it is not. The allocation of ludicrous symbols is an indication that the authorities have not taken the matter as seriously as it demands. But a lot depends on holding it fairly and peacefully. One wonders if the authorities are fully aware of the stake the election has. Widespread violence or unfair means in the polls will erode the reputation of the EC. It will also have a reflection on the government as well.
The most important thing for the EC is to stay above all controversies. There is not much to be concerned about when one or another party complains against it out of frustration. But when neutral observers find things unacceptable there is need for a review of the situation. Irrespective of political parties, the gender bias as shown in the selection of symbols for women candidates is unlikely to be endorsed. Let similar myopic vision not blur the process of polls at any other point.

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