Sino-India trade witnesses significant growth

FE Team | Published: June 13, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

BEIJING, June 12 (PTI): Bilateral trade between India and China rose 53.7 per cent to USD14.2 billion during the first five months of the year, witnessing the fastest growth rate among the Communist nation's top ten trading partners.
China-India bilateral trade rose fastest among the nation's top 10 trading partners during January to May, according to statistics released by the General Administration of Customs here Monday.
China's trade surplus in May soared to USD22.45 billion, up 73 per cent from the same period of last year, the customs figures showed.
The figure was close to February's USD23.7 billion, the second highest monthly level on record.
Exports grew to USD 94.1 billion, up by 28.7 per cent year-on-year, a slight rise of 1.9 percentage point from April, it said.

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