Wife for free

Nilratan Halder | Published: March 21, 2015 00:00:00 | Updated: November 30, 2024 06:01:00

In this age of random offers of an extra thing free for purchase of something, no one in the wildest of imagination could come close to the offer made by an Indonesian widow. She had put up an advertisement for sale of her house worth about one million dollar. That is quite reasonable. But what follows in the manner of an offer for free is no such immovable property but her own self. Yes, the additional gain a prospective buyer is likely to derive from the deal is no less than the owner of the house. Of course, she reserves the right to choose her customer.
It looks a bit confusing if she is actually looking for a customer or a husband. If her motive is to have a husband, he should well serve her as a provider and protector. But that perhaps is not her sole intention. She would better take care of her financial affairs on her own without sacrificing her freedom. There is no mention if she would live in a house other than her sold one once the wedlock is completed. Perhaps that too is not the intention. In that case the house's ownership will change according to the document made but she would be able to enjoy the double cosy comfort of her own home as well as of a brand new husband. Well, this is what is called best of both worlds.
At the age of 40, the woman though has a slim chance of procuring a youthful husband with so much money to spare for a house with the bonus of someone no longer considered young enough. And a fitting match for her is unlikely to remain single if of course it is not an exceptional case. Now, will she make her mind if someone is interested only in her house not in her? Perhaps, she really needs money for her and her two kids in the absence of the bread earner of the family. Sure enough, to bring up her children, she will need money. Unless her deceased husband has left savings enough for the children's education and other expenses she cannot count on any alternative other than disposing of the house in her possession. But has a beauty salon. Maybe, business is dull.
So she may be worried over her and her children's future. In that case, the offer does not limit to a wife for free but actually to readymade children as well. If bachelors are less interested in such an offer, surely those without children may find the offer quite lucrative. In that case, no amount of money will prove too much. Childless couples are known to spend millions of dollars on surrogate mothers and the related medical procedure to take home a baby even from a foreign country. In this case, no such complications will arise. Everything will be as the doctor ordered.
This offer of a wife for free highlights the unexplored mystery of life in its simplest of styles and relations. Whoever could think that such an offer can be made and a Pandora's box opened in the process. The woman has dug out the uncommon from something so common and axiomatic. No one ever thought of this kind of offer before her. The novelty of her offer lies there.
So, the development of this story needs to be followed up. The paradigm of human relations will be put under accepted social scrutiny. How it fares then will prompt or simply discourage widows in many places to go for such a social contract. Whatever happens, let us all wish her and her children well. In the film Mrs Doubtfire, the recently deceased comedian Robin Williams took paternal affection to a new high. In this case, the Indonesian woman has a chance to play her real-life maternal part to the fullest. Only she will have her task easier if a man of understanding stands by her.

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