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WTO members squabble over industrial tariffs

June 10, 2007 00:00:00

GENEVA, June 9 (AFP): Members of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), already at odds over trade in farm goods, yesterday bickered over the level of customs duties to be applied to industrial products, WTO sources said.
They said developed countries wanted to limit the maximum level of their industrial customs duties to 10 per cent and the tariffs of developing countries to 15 per cent.
But poor countries argued that too much was being asked of them compared with the concessions rich countries were prepared to make in agricultural trade.
The figure proposed by developed countries "is not attainable, is not possible-it's out," said Brazilian negotiator Clodoaldo Hugueney, as WTO members struggled to overcome differences that are preventing an agreement of the Doha round of trade liberalisation talks.
Brazil, India, South Africa and several other emerging market countries proposed a maximum industrial tariff level of 35 per cent for developing nations.

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