Joint statement on PM's Beijing trip

Bangladesh-China 'comprehensive strategic partnership' promised

FE REPORT | Published: July 11, 2024 23:56:27

Bangladesh-China 'comprehensive strategic partnership' promised

Bangladesh and China have decided to elevate bilateral ties to "comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership", says a joint statement issued Thursday on agreed points reached during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's Beijing trip.
At the invitation of Chinese premier Li Qiang, Sheikh Hasina paid an official visit to China on July 8-10 with a wide agenda of cooperation for discussion.
"The two sides applauded their strategic partnership of cooperation established in 2016, and agreed to elevate the bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership," says the joint communiqué.
According to the statement, the Chinese side will encourage Chinese enterprises to take an active part in the construction of subways, metro rails and roads, oil and gas exploration, hospitals and water resources and sewage management projects in Bangladesh "in a proper way".
The Chinese side firmly supports Bangladesh in maintaining peace and stability, realizing development goals as envisioned under Vision 2041, non-interference in its internal affairs, and independently choosing a development path suited to its national conditions, it added.
During the visit, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had a meeting with Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, held talks with Premier Li Qiang, and met with Wang Huning, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
Bangladesh reiterated its firm commitment to the one-China principle and its position that the Government of the People's Republic of China represents the whole of China, and Taiwan is part of China, and Bangladesh supports China on issues pertaining to China's core interests and China's efforts to safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the statement added.
During the visit, Bangladesh lauded the important role played by the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in promoting the socioeconomic development of the people of Bangladesh.
The Chinese side supported the Bangladesh side's plan to implement the Southern Integrated Development Initiatives of Bangladesh, among others, under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative to help this region achieve balanced and sustainable development.
"The two sides discussed various aspects of the Global Development Initiative put forward by President Xi Jinping. The Chinese side is ready to share experience on GDI issues with the Bangladesh side. The Chinese side also presented the Global Security Initiative (GSI) and the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI) to the Bangladesh side to ensure peace, development and shared prosperity for all," the statement reads.
On defence cooperation, the two sides agreed to strengthen more exchanges at all levels and between various armed forces and departments, and deepen practical cooperation in defense, it added.
The Chinese side welcomes Bangladesh's bid for BRICS membership and interest in associating with SCO.
On the Rohingya issue, the two sides share the view that early repatriation is the only way to resolve the issue concerning the displaced people from Rakhine State of Myanmar, who have taken shelter in Bangladesh.
The two sides call on all parties in Myanmar to bridge their differences through dialogue and consultation and underscored the cessation of hostilities in Rakhine State as soon as possible.
The two sides agreed to deepen cooperation in trade, investment and finance, conclude the joint feasibility study on a China-Bangladesh free trade agreement, and launch formal negotiations as soon as possible.
China has completed the entry procedures for Bangladesh's fresh mango exports to China, and welcomes Bangladesh to expand exports of jute, leather, aquatic products and other high-quality special products to China, the joint statement mentioned.
The Chinese side has expressed its support to continue the zero-tariff treatment on 98 percent of taxable items to Bangladesh for a transitional period beyond 2026 when Bangladesh will graduate from LDC status.
The Bangladesh side welcomes more investment from Chinese enterprises in Bangladesh in such areas as economic and industrial parks, oil and gas exploration, new energy, water resources and sewage management, garment and other manufacturing sectors, reiterates Bangladesh's commitments to protecting the security and legitimate rights and interests of all foreign investments including the Chinese projects and personnel in Bangladesh.
"The two sides agreed to enhance cooperation in financial regulation, and encouraged increased use of local currency settlement in bilateral trade. The Bangladesh side welcomes Chinese banks to establish branches in Bangladesh, and vice versa", says the statement.
The Chinese side expressed its readiness to support and participate in building "Smart Bangladesh," promote cooperation between digital and ICT think tanks of the two countries, and explore the joint establishment of a digital innovation lab to carry out digital capacity building.
The two sides agreed to strengthen investment cooperation in the field of digital economy. The Chinese side will support bilateral exchanges on digital economy industries, encourage Chinese software companies to empower Bangladesh's digital infrastructure development, and explore the establishment of a China-Bangladesh innovation cooperation mechanism in cloud computing, to promote the development of Bangladesh's digital and ICT industries.
The Chinese side expressed its readiness to carry out cooperation on the "international port for the information industry and digital trade" to promote digitization of bilateral trade. The Bangladesh side applauded and expressed thanks for these initiatives.
The two sides agreed to deepen people-to-people exchanges and cooperation, and designate the year of 2025 as the "China-Bangladesh Year of People-to-People Exchanges".

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