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Bhola has 1.432 Tcf of recoverable natural gas reserve

FE REPORT | September 20, 2024 00:00:00

Discovered proven natural gas reserve in Bhola Island is around 2.047 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of which 1.432 Tcf is recoverable, the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources (MPEMR) revealed on Thursday.

Three gas fields have so far been discovered in Bhola Island, where nine gas wells were drilled to ascertain the reserve, the MPEMR clarified.

Talking to newsmen, MPEMR Adviser Muhammad Fouzul Kabir Khan refuted a media report of having around 5.1 Tcf of recoverable gas reserve in Bhola.

A joint study carried out jointly by state-run Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Ltd (BAPEX) and Russian Gazprom revealed only 10 per cent probability of having potential gas reserve of around 2.686 Tcf at Chor Fashion after carrying out the two-dimensional (2D) seismic survey, he said.

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