CA urges PGR to help build a modern, developed nation

FE Team | Published: July 06, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

Chief Adviser Fakhruddin Ahmed Thursday urged members of the President's Guard Regiment (PGR) to dedicate wholeheartedly to building a modern and developed nation and a society free from terrorism and corruption, reports UNB.
He was addressing a Darbar to mark the 32nd founding anniversary of PGR at Shaheed Captain Hafiz Hall at the PGR Headquarters in Dhaka Cantonment.
The Chief Adviser said a tough struggle began from January 11 to establish good governance and establish a democratic society in the country free from terrorism, anarchy and corruption.
"You're making valuable contribution to this struggle through ensuring foolproof security to VIPs," he told the rank and file of the PGR.
Quoting a proverb 'Study the past if you would divine the future', Fakhruddin said as part of the professional army, the members of the PGR have many things to learn from the history and the course of events alongside the contemporary reality.
"We'll have to advance unitedly towards a bright future following the path traversed in the past and the path being pursued in the present. If this effort fails, the future generation will not forgive us."
He said the responsibility of the PGR is both challenging and a matter of pride as well as risky.
Continued to page 7 col. 1Chief Adviser Fakhruddin Ahmed Thursday urged members of the President's Guard Regiment (PGR) to dedicate wholeheartedly to building a modern and developed nation and a society free from terrorism and corruption, reports UNB.
He was addressing a Darbar to mark the 32nd founding anniversary of PGR at Shaheed Captain Hafiz Hall at the PGR Headquarters in Dhaka Cantonment.
The Chief Adviser said a tough struggle began from January 11 to establish good governance and establish a democratic society in the country free from terrorism, anarchy and corruption.
"You're making valuable contribution to this struggle through ensuring foolproof security to VIPs," he told the rank and file of the PGR.
Quoting a proverb 'Study the past if you would divine the future', Fakhruddin said as part of the professional army, the members of the PGR have many things to learn from the history and the course of events alongside the contemporary reality.
"We'll have to advance unitedly towards a bright future following the path traversed in the past and the path being pursued in the present. If this effort fails, the future generation will not forgive us."
He said the responsibility of the PGR is both challenging and a matter of pride as well as risky.
The Chief Adviser hoped the members of PGR would be able to maintain the highest standard of professionalism in the future as they had done in the past side by side with other members of the Armed Forces inspired by the great 'mantra': "Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom."
About the background of the regiment, he said on this day in 1975 the PGR was established with all-round members of the Army to ensure security to VVIPs and to play a principal role in State-level protocol-related functions.
In 1991, following introduction of parliamentary form of government, the responsibility to ensure security of the head of the government also fell on them.
Fakhruddin said immense patience, sincerity, caution, obedience, patriotism, sense of discipline and professionalism of high standard are essential to carry out such an onerous responsibility. "I'm happy to see the reflection of these qualities among you."
He recalled with respect the heroic PGR members who embraced martyrdom while carrying out their duties. "The nation still today recalls with respect the example of their sense of duty, loyalty and sacrifices," he said.

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