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Migrant workers

CAAB sounds liberal about Saudia flight frequency

FE REPORT | September 23, 2020 00:00:00

Migrant workers, outraged over not getting air tickets from Saudi Arabian Airlines office, stage a demonstration on the road in front of the Sonargaon Hotel in the city on Tuesday — FE photo by Shafiqul Alam

The Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) is ready to permit as many flights as the Saudia Airlines wants to carry Bangladeshi migrant workers to the kingdom without missing the deadline of visa.

CAAB chairman Air Vice-Marshal Md Mafidur Rahman said on Tuesday the ministries concerned are trying to resolve the issue.

The General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) of Saudi Arabia would give landing permission to Biman Bangladesh Airlines by Tuesday evening, he expressed his hope.

Mr Rahman said this in reply to a media query during a public hearing at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka.

"We'll permit them to operate unlimited chartered flights and regular passenger flights as much as they want as they are not allowing Biman to carry migrant workers from Bangladesh."

Many visas will expire by September 30. The workers are in dire straits. Both foreign and expatriates' welfare ministries are trying to fix the problem, he added.

"Our ambassador is holding talks with the Saudi authorities. Hopefully, Biman will get permission by this evening (Tuesday)," mentioned Mr Rahman.

The operation of international flights between Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh was suspended since March 15.

On September 15, the Saudi authorities announced to resume flight operations but retracted from their stance two days later.

But they sought to operate weekly seven flights and other chartered flights to Dhaka two weeks ago.

The CAAB gave them permission to operate two scheduled passenger flights weekly.

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