CA's plea for early implementation of pending decisions

FE Team | Published: July 29, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

FE Report
The Chief Adviser Fakhruddin Ahmed instructed Saturday the authorities concerned to take necessary steps for early implementation of the pending decisions taken by the interim government.
He also stressed the need for greater interaction between the advisers of the caretaker government and secretaries of related ministries to facilitate smooth functioning of the administration.
The Chief Adviser's advice came at the weekly meeting of the advisers' council, which was held at his office in the city, the Chief Adviser's Press Secretary, who was present in the meeting, told the FE.
The Council of Advisers, however, expressed satisfaction over the progress in the implementation of the decisions.
In the meeting, the Cabinet Division presented a progress report on the implementation of decisions taken by the interim cabinet since January 14 to June 30, said an official handout.
The major decisions taken by the advisers' council include delegation of financial and administrative powers aiming to bring dynamism in the administration, updating of various laws, rules and regulations, formulation of citizens' charter in all utility service-providing agencies and quick disposal of pending pension-related cases, it mentioned.
The meeting was informed that the cabinet had taken a total of 205 decisions in its 40 meetings during the period.
Of the total, 115 decisions have already been implemented while the remaining 90 are in the various stages of implementation, the handout said.
The meeting was also informed that the cabinet had given its final nod to a total of 14 ordinances during the period, nine of those were promulgated while the rest are in the process of promulgation.
Besides, seven permanent and two temporary advisory council committees were either constituted or reconstituted until June 30, it said, adding that committees had already held 41 meetings.

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