Deposed AL out to fuel unrest with India's help, says Fakhrul

'No minority, we are all Bangladeshis'

FE REPORT | Published: August 16, 2024 00:01:33

Deposed AL out to fuel unrest with India's help, says Fakhrul

Bangladesh Nationalist Party Secretary-General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said on Thursday that the deposed Awami League (AL) wanted to fuel unrest in the country by creating communal disharmony with the help of India.
"Awami League has a target to destabilise the country by creating communal disharmony. They (AL president Sheikh Hasina and her accomplices) want to return to the country by creating communal unrest with the help of India," Mr Fakhrul said while addressing a sit-in programme in front of the party's Nayapaltan headquarters in the capital.
"In Bangladesh, there is no minority committee, here we (Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and others) are all Bangladeshis," he said.
Mr Fakhrul reiterated his party's demand for trial of Sheikh Hasina and her accomplices for the killing of students and people during the recent student movement in the country.
He also called for trial of those responsible for siphoning off money abroad.
"They (Sheikh Hasina and her accomplices) must be tried at ICC as they have committed killings, genocide, abductions, enforced disappearances, and those who have siphoned off money abroad also must face trial," he continued.
"You (leaders of Awami League who are hiding now) come out and surrender," he maintained.
"We demand return of our party's acting chairman Tarique Rahman. We also demand withdrawal of all cases filed against our party leaders and activists," he stated.
Mr Fakhrul further said that deposed Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has killed several thousand BNP leaders and activists.
"I thank the interim government. They have taken many effective steps. We hope they will take such more steps. We want to give them logical time so they can complete their tasks," he said.
"There is no alternative to democracy. BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia, acting chairman Tarique Rahman and our leaders, activists and others have struggled for restoration of democracy in the country," he said.
"I call upon all to be united to strengthen our victory and establish democracy," he said. Standing Committee member of BNP Mirza Abbas said that the Awami League has tortured people of the country over the past 15 plus years.
He demanded trial of Sheikh Hasina and her accomplices for the killing of students and people during the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement recently.
He said that a section of businessmen have siphoned off money abroad and demanded bringing back the money to the country.
Standing Committee member of BNP Gayeshwar Chandra Roy said that the high-ups of the fallen Awami League have looted and siphoned off money abroad.
He also demanded bringing back the money from abroad.
"We must be vigilant and remain on streets unless and until Sheikh Hasina and her accomplices are brought back to the country and tried," he said.
Vice-chairman of BNP Dr Asaduzzaman Ripon termed Sheikh Hasian as the 'Butcher of Bangladesh'.
"Sheikh Hasina has committed genocide. Within three weeks (during students' movement), she has killed several hundred people including students," he said.
Earlier, BNP leaders and activists from different areas of the capital joined the rally where BNP standing committee member Begum Selima Rahman and other party leaders were present.

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