Emergency will be withdrawn if situation improves: Matin

FE Team | Published: July 10, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

Communications Adviser MA Matin said Monday the state of emergency will be withdrawn if the situation is created, report agencies.
Talking to reporters at his ministry, however, he said that the incumbent caretaker government did not impose the emergency. "We've assumed office after the declaration of the state of emergency."
But the emergency should not continue for long, he said.
Matin said he was not aware of the basis of Awami League chief Sheikh Hasina's allegation that military intelligence is engaged in making and breaking political parties.
"The government doesn't know the basis of her complaints," the former chief of the DGFI (Directorate General of Forces Intelligence) told reporters, a day after Hasina accused intelligence agents of "intimidating political leaders into divulging details" in custody.
Matin, a key man in the interim regime, again rejected the allegation that the government has link with the splitting of political parties.
Rather, he said, political party leaders are seeking reforms following difference of opinion among them.
The Adviser said they are not running government to give any favour to any party but for the welfare of the people.
On corruption cases, Matin, who is also the chairman of the National Coordination Committee to deal with major corruption and grievous offences, said none was spared and special courts were set up for trying the corrupt.
Pressed to comment on if the government had ever tried to distance itself from political parties, he said: "Not at all. The parties themselves are making problems in the name of reorganising.
"We are not staying away from Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia. I hope they would help us."

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