Ershad passes mantle to Anisul Islam Mahmud

FE Team | Published: July 01, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

Jatiya Party chairman HM Ershad Saturday appointed Barrister Anisul Islam Mahmud as acting chairman of the embattled party, reports
Ershad, however, said he would continue as the party chairman until the next council. "There is no scope for ambiguity about it," Ershad said in a statement.
Again, he said he would not run for chairman in the next council. "The council will elect a new leadership. But I'll stay with the party to work for it," he said.
"I nursed the party as my child. I have all the good wishes for it. I would like to see how the party continues without me," he said on an emotive note.
The speech marked an end to more than 21 years of his leadership for the JP that he formed in 1986 in a semblance of liberalising political life under his rule as military dictator. The JP had been designed as his vehicle for a transition from the martial law.
Ershad said he had formed a committee to bring reforms to the party with Anisul Islam as convener.
"It seems to me that when I will enjoy all powers as chairman it won't be possible for the committee to make proper reforms," Ershad said.
"Besides organisational activities are hampered as I stay abroad sometimes."
Ershad said Anisul Islam with "complete independent authority" would make a reform proposal and present it to the party presidium.
"The proposal will be placed at the national council after the presidium approves it," he said. "If the council passes the proposal it will be included in the party constitution and the party will run accordingly."
Ershad called upon leaders and workers of all levels to cooperate with Anisul Islam, who was foreign minister under Ershad's rule.
"I have thought about the issue in line of seniority. But senior presidium member Rawshan Ershad has become controversial and the issue of dynasty is involved here. The second most senior presidium member, Kazi Zafar Ahmed, is ill."
Next comes Anisul Islam to qualify for the post of acting chairman, he said.
The announcement came four days after Rowshan Ershad declared herself the acting chief of JP in a growing rift with Ershad, her husband.
She rolled out a 13-point plan to overhaul the party to curb the powers of Ershad. She said: "A single person cannot run the party for long."
Ershad expressed his gratitude to the present government on behalf of his party for restoring stability to the country. He said: "The nation will remember the cooperation of the patriotic army in running the caretaker government."

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