'Face mask must before a vaccine arrives'

FE Team | Published: November 03, 2020 23:30:40

'Face mask must before a vaccine arrives'

The second wave of Covid-19 has started to hit several European countries. Many countries have already announced a lockdown for the second or third time, reports UNB.
Although Covid-19's second wave can strike Bangladesh, too, in the winter, the country's health sector is prepared to face it.
Health Minister Zahid Maleque on Tuesday said this during an inter-ministerial meeting on the second wave of Covid-19 at the health ministry's conference room.
However, the minister also said if people do not follow the health rules, there could be trouble. "So to stop the second wave of Covid-19 hitting the country, there is no alternative to following the health rules now."
"As wearing a face mask is critical now, steps will be taken soon to ensure that everyone does so until a vaccine is used in the country."

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