FBCCI holds EGM today

FE Team | Published: June 28, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

FE Report
The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) will hold an extra-ordinary general meeting (EGM) today to change its rules relating to participation in its election.
The biennial FBCCI election might take place August 16 next.
The EGM will be held at the FBCCI conference room at 3:30 pm and around 1200 general members are expected to attend the EGM.
"We are organising the EGM as per the directive of the Ministry of Commerce (MoC) to bar loan defaulters, tax evaders and persons convicted of crimes, corruption and moral turpitude in the next FBCCI election," said Mir Nasir Hossain of the apex chamber body.
The MoC in a recent letter to the apex trade body asked it to change rules relating to participation in its election as per the Trade Organisation Ordinance, 1961.
If the FBCCI fails to amend its rules the government might change the rules through a gazette notification, it said.
As per the FBCCI constitution, of the 38 executive committee members of the apex trade body, 12 will be elected from district chambers and 12 from district level trade associations, seven from the MCCI and six divisional chambers, and seven from leading trade associations. FBCCI president will be elected from the association group this year.
Recently, various concerned quarters have urged the authorities not to allow loan defaulters to contest the FBCCI election saying their presence in the executive body will not only discourage honest business persons but also encourage others to default on loans.

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