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Houthi rebels claim capturing 'thousands' of Saudi troops

September 30, 2019 00:00:00

DUBAI, Sept 29 (Reuters): Yemen's Houthi movement said on Saturday it had carried out a major attack near the border with the southern Saudi region of Najran and captured many troops and vehicles, but there was no immediate confirmation from Saudi Arabian authorities.

The Houthis' military spokesman said in a statement that three "enemy military brigades had fallen" in the attack, which he said was launched 72 hours ago and supported by the group's drone, missile and air defense units.

Houthi-run Al Masirah TV quoted the spokesman as saying the Iran-aligned movement had captured "thousands" of enemy troops, including many officers and soldiers of the Saudi army, as well as hundreds of armored vehicles.

The spokesman for a Saudi-led military coalition did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Reuters could not independently verify the claim.

Yemeni government troops, supported by coalition air strikes, have in recent months been fighting Houthi forces in the Kataf region of the northern Saada province near the Saudi border. Local sources have said the Houthis had captured scores of Yemeni forces in the battles.

The violence could hamper United Nations' efforts to ease tensions and pave the way for talks to end the war that has killed tens of thousands and pushed millions to the brink of famine in the long-impoverished Arabian Peninsula nation.

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