None is above law: CA

FE Team | Published: July 17, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

MUNSHIGANJ, July 16 (UNB): Chief Adviser (CA) Fakhruddin Ahmed Monday categorically said none is above the law and any proven corrupt or lawbreaker, whoever he or she may be, would be brought to justice.
Explaining his caretaker government's (CG) stand against corruption, the CA said the present government is following two principles in the combat against corruption --- a drive that already has landed many powerful persons in prison.
In the meantime, former prime minister and Awami League (AL) president Sheikh Hasina was today arrested on graft charges.
Firstly, the CA said, trial of corruption suspects would be held under the law of the land and already the trial of some corruption cases has been accomplished.
Secondly, none is above the law and, under this principle, if allegation of corruption against anyone proves true or anyone violates law, whoever he or she may be, would be brought to justice.
The head of the CG explained his government's stand while addressing an views cxchange meeting with people of different professions and government officials of Munshiganj district in the district Shilpakala Academy auditorium in the morning. The meet was organised by the district administration.
He called upon the people to come forward and extend active cooperation to the government crusade against corruption, saying it is not possible for the government alone to eliminate corruption from the country.
"Hate corruption and raise your voice against corruption," he said and noted that a handful of people thrives on this vice while the majority suffers.
Also, government exchequer does not get revenue for such corruption and, as a result, people are deprived of government services, including school, hospital, agriculture and other sorts of development and services.
Ahmed said, "Those who have committed corruption and plundered wealth and are enjoying those have to account for that as all of us are claimant for that wealth."
He said the anti-corruption commission (ACC) would take up short, mid-and long-term steps to curb corruption, which brought bad repute for the country.
Extending support to the election roadmap announced by the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC), the CA reaffirmed that the present government was determined to hold the parliamentary elections by December 2008 in a free, fair and neutral manner.
He said the government is carrying out efforts, including institutional and policy reforms, as per aspiration of the people to create a level playing field so honest, dedicated and competent people can contest the polls.
Ahmed said he is sure that the Election Commission (EC) would be able to hold elections following the path of the roadmap and the government would provide all-out support to the EC to this end.
He said that the EC is also formulating electoral policy guidelines and other related matters and would consult all sections of people and others concerned for holding a free and fair election to give democracy a strong footing.
With this end in view, honest, dedicated and qualified people would be encouraged to contest the elections.
He said a flawless voter list with photographs is a major prerequisite for fair election, which is a longstanding demand of all, and the EC is working for it.
On local government, he said the government is determined to enhance the powers of local government and increase its working capability, as establishing good governance is essential.
He said that a committee has been formed, of which maximum members are from private sector, to formulate recommendations in three months and the government would consider the suggestions with importance. The CA called upon the people to extend cooperation to the government efforts and goal in upholding democracy.
Fisheries and Livestock Adviser CS Karim, DC of Munshiganj Mohammad Muniruddin, pourahava chairman, union parshad chairmen, female members of union parishads, representatives of cold storage association, potato farmers, business chamber, press, and freedom fighters took part in the exchange of opinion.

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