Osman Gani submits wealth statement

FE Team | Published: June 28, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

Osman Gani in his wealth statement said his family owns wealth worth about Tk 50 million in addition to 300 tolas of gold ornaments, reports UNB
Gani, who was suspended following the recovery of huge cash and gold from his residence, submitted his wealth statement to the Anti-Corruption Commission today (Wednesday) through prison authorities. ACC secretary Delwar Hossain received it.
Of their wealth, the Osman family possesses immovable property worth Tk about 13.2 million.
Among the significant possessions, Osman and his wife have over Tk 14.5 million in different banks, Tk 10 million in government custody, a five-storied building in Jhigatala, two five-khata plots in Uttara residential area, a 15-katha land in Uttara's Dakhhin Khan area and a 7.5-katha plot in Purbachal area, mostly in his wife's name.
About the 300 tolas of gold ornaments, Gani claimed 120 tolas belong to his wife, 30 tolas to his daughter, 50 tolas to his brothers- and sisters-in-law while 100 tolas to his mother-in-law.

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