Owners' plea to keep shops open until 8pm

FE Team | Published: June 24, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

Bangladesh Dokan Malik Samity (BDMS) urged the government to allow them to keep shops and markets open till 8pm extending the timing by an hour.
"Under the present timing, shop owners have to close their shops at 7pm. But, due to the scorching heat, customers do not go shopping at daytime. Rather they like to come after sundown," shop-owners said in their appeal Saturday, reports UNB.
They, in a press release, also mentioned that the energy advisor, during a meeting with the shop owners on April 8, had assured them of considering the matter of keeping all shops open till 8pm from the month of May.
The BDMS put forward some recommendations in favour of keeping the shops open till 8pm. They are: Electricity consumption in all the business establishments be kept at half of the normal level or at the minimum, electricity use in all the institutions which remain open all day long also can be controlled, and steps should be taken and properly publicised for full implementation of those steps.

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