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Roushan proclaims herself as JP chief

June 27, 2007 00:00:00

Amid political topsy-turvy in the country, Begum Roushan Ershad Tuesday proclaimed herself acting chairman of the Jatiya Party (JP) and asked former President Ershad to quit the chairmanship to become party's chief adviser, reports UNB.
She also appointed Golam Maseeh acting secretary general of the JP without telling anything about the fate of the incumbent, Ruhul Amin Howlader.
Roushan's apparent revolt paved the way for breaking the party as her husband Ershad threatened to expel her for 'anti-organisational' activities, saying that she has no right to remove him from the post of chairman under the JP constitution.
"Majority presidium members and leaders and workers of the new generation are with us," Roushan told a hurriedly called press conference at her Gulshan residence Tuesday afternoon.
JP presidium member and ex-MP Mashiur Rahman Ranga, Golam Maseeh and Faisal Chisti were, among others, present.
Joint Secretary General Faisal Chisti announced a 13-point reform agenda which envisages that the party chairman and the secretary general can be elected for two terms of three years each by the councilors.
Under the JP recasting, presidium members, central committee and executive members will be elected directly by the councilors.
As per proposals, chairman, secretary general and presidents and general secretaries of the party's district committees will have to have graduation as the minimum academic qualification.
"Chairman, secretary general, presidium members and secretariat members cannot be convicts of any criminal cases. They have to submit statements of their wealth to the central committee annually," says the reform recipe.
Presidium meeting will take decision on important matters, including nominations for parliament member.
Donations for the party will have to be received through receipts and party accounts must be audited by a chartered accountant.
Roushan said she would chair the party's next council to be convened after the lifting of ban on political activities when the proposed reforms will be adopted.
Meanwhile, JP chairman HM Ershad Tuesday gave a broad hint that party presidium member Raushan Erhsad might face expulsion for her anti-organisational statements and activities.
"Her (Raushan) activities and statements are contrary to party constitution. She has no right under the (party) constitution to bring reforms and expel me. If the party council feels she may be sacked with the resumption of political activities," he told reporters at his Baridhara residence.
Ershad said he was elected by the JP council and would continue as the party chairman until the next council, which will decide the next leadership of the party.
Saying that he was not against reforms within his party to invite new leadership, Ershad formed a committee on reforms headed by presidium member Anisul Islam Mahmud as chairman.
The committee will make recommendations on reforms and the recommendations will be discussed at the JP presidium before final approval of the council.
Ershad said some leaders of his party are issuing statements to the media against him by violating the party discipline. "Such activities will not be tolerated. Party's door is open. Those who do not feel comfortable can leave the party. None can spread confusion by using the party's name."
He said if there is difference of opinion that can be discussed within the party forum for amendments.

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