Tofail may present views on party reform today

FE Team | Published: July 02, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

Awami League presidium members Tofail Ahmed and Suranjit Sengupta are likely to present their broader views on the party-reform proposals already spelt out by their colleague Abdur Razzak.
Tofael is likely to give his own views on Razzak's reform recipe today (Monday) and Suranjit tomorrow (Tuesday), giving a further fillip to the reformist stand within the party.
Talking to UNB, Suranjit said the basics of their proposals would remain the same, but they would present their views on a bigger dimension to make Awami League more democratic and state machinery transparent and accountable.
AL central leader Prof Abu Sayeed said, "All of us, including our leader (Sheikh Hasina), want reform to democratise Awami League and make parliament and state machinery accountable."
Disagreeing with some notions, he said the reform proposals are not aimed at excluding anyone from or including in the party. He observed some quarters are trying to create confusion about it.
Sayeed, however, disagreed with Matia Chowdhury's remarks that Razzak did not follow the party constitution in proposing the reforms.
He recalled that Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman also had placed six-point proposal on his own in 1966 inviting discussion and debate on his proposals. Later, he said, Bangabandhu's six-point became a charter of demand of the Bengali nation.
Sayeed said all these individual proposals would be placed with the AL central working committee for discussion and later presented in party council session for final approval.
Razzak unveiled a package of reforms Saturday suggesting a balance of power between the President and the Prime Minister and establishment of joint leadership in decision-making of the AL.
His proposals envisage that a same person cannot be holding the posts of president and general secretary for more than two terms. This provision will be applicable for president and general secretaries at all levels, including in district, upazila and thana committees.
As per proposal, a selfsame person cannot hold the post of party office-bearer and portfolio of government simultaneously.
He also proposed to update Article 70 of the Constitution restricting floor crossing by a Member of Parliament.
None of the party's senior leaders was present at the time of his announcement of the reform proposals at his Jigatola residence in the city.

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