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Access to social media restored

FE REPORT | August 01, 2024 00:00:00

After a 13-day closure, access to social-media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Whatsapp, Instagram and YouTube was restored on Wednesday afternoon.

Users were able to access these platforms after 2:00 pm on the day, following a morning meeting between the tech operators and the government of Bangladesh that decided to operate the services in accordance with the country's constitution and community standards.

Representatives from the social media companies discussed the pressing issues of community guideline violations and threats to national security at the crucial meeting held at the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regu-latory Commission (BTRC) in the city.

The platforms have committed to placing greater emphasis on employing local fact-checkers and utilising AI-driven fact-checking tools to curb the spread of misinformation, criminal activity data, and unauthorised sharing of personal information.

State Minister for Post, Telecommunication, and Information Technology Zunaid Ahmed Palak, who provided the update of restoring the social media, emphasised the platforms' commitment to heightened cooperation with the Bangladeshi government.

"These platforms will be reopened only after this meeting," he stated earlier, underscoring the stringent measures agreed upon to ensure compliance.

The reopening is expected to reduce the reliance on VPNs, which have been causing internet speed issues. As the social media companies implement these new measures, users can anticipate a more secure and regulated online environment.

The government and social media representatives aimed to foster a safer digital space for users while upholding national security and community guidelines.

Earlier on July 18, internet services were disrupted and access to social media platforms was blocked amid the violence centering the quota reform movement.

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