All kitchen market items get pricier

Green chilli hits Tk 600 a kg again

FE REPORT | Published: August 01, 2024 19:48:33

All kitchen market items get pricier

The kitchen markets in the city became volatile on Sunday, as prices of most essential commodities witnessed a significant jump amid the ongoing curfew imposed to contain violence across the country.
All kinds of vegetables, green chilli, onion, potato, egg, and fish become pricier as supply has squeezed due to curfew, trader said.
The price of green chilli prices soared to Tk 550-600 a kg on the day, hitting the record high for the second time since August 2023 when it surpassed Tk 600 a kg.
Brinjal, long-yard bean and eddo were selling at Tk 100-120 a kg, bitter gourd Tk 140-150 a kg, sponge gourd, snake gourd, and ridge gourd at Tk 90-110 a kg, papaya and pointed gourd at Tk 70-80 a kg, registering a Tk 10-20 hike from a day ago and Tk 20-40 hike from four days ago.
Tomato and carrot were retailed at Tk 220-260 a kg on Sunday.
And eggs were sold at Tk 170-180 a dozen, up from Tk 155-165 a day ago.
Farid Hossain, a salesman of a grocer at West Dhanmondi, claimed green chilli prices shot up to Tk 2,200-2,300 a palla or five kg at Rayerbazar-Beribadh wholesale market on the day. The price has doubled in the wholesales just in a day, he added.
While visiting Sadeq Khan Agricultural Market at Rayerbazar, this FE correspondent found two to three 'Aarats' (wholesale commission agents) have supplies of green chilli.
Md Wakil, a trader at Rayerbzar, said there has been no import of green chilli for the last few days amid the prevailing situation in the country.
Moreover, supply of chilli from domestic sources has slumped due to heavy rain in places that damaged crops, he said. Vegetable supplies from distant districts to Dhaka have also witnessed a decline.
He said supplies from Manikganj, Keraniganj, Savar, Dohar, Nawabganj, Munshiganj and Cumilla have been meeting the demand for the city.
Meanwhile, onion and potato prices saw a further hike by Tk 5.0-10 a kg on the day. Onion was selling at Tk 120-130 a kg while potato at Tk 65-75 a kg.
Cultured fish prices also saw another hike amid a supply crunch.
Tilapia was sold at Tk 240-280 a kg, pangas and koi at Tk 260-320 a kg.
Riverine fish, including Hilsa, maintained its previous high and retailed at Tk 1,600-2,850 a kg.
Supplies of shol, shrimp, riverine ruhi, katla, pabda were considerably lower while prices of those maintained their previous highs.

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