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Bangabandhu's Mar 7 speech can't be erased, says PM

March 08, 2024 00:00:00

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina addresses a gathering commemorating the historic March 7, hosted by the Awami League at the Dhaka district AL office in Tejgaon, Dhaka, on Thursday. — Focus Bangla

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stated on Thursday that the international recognition of Bangabandhu's historic March-7th speech proves that history cannot be obliterated, despite the efforts of anti-liberation forces, reports UNB.

"History cannot be erased, truth cannot be covered by false narratives, and that has now been proven. The historical speech of March 7 has gained recognition worldwide," she said.

The prime minister made these remarks during a programme commemorating the historic March 7 speech of the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, before his proclamation of independence on March 26, 1971.

She emphasised that the significance of the historic speech extends beyond the people of Bangladesh, as it stands as one of the greatest speeches delivered by world leaders who inspired their people towards independence.

"They (anti-Liberation forces) tried to erase the name of the Father of the Nation, prohibited the display of his image, and banned the historical March 7 speech and the Joy Bangla slogan," she added.

Reflecting on the brutal assassination of the Father of the Nation, Hasina, who is also Bangabandhu's eldest daughter, mentioned that the anti-liberation forces opposed Bangabandhu's efforts to transform Bangladesh from a war-torn nation to a least developed country within three years and seven months after independence. "When the country was progressing towards economic prosperity, the anti-liberation forces were displeased," she noted.

She also lamented that while Pakistanis were unable to kill the Father of the Nation, he was assassinated by some of his own countrymen.

Hasina claimed that Bangladesh did not make any progress after the massacre, becoming stagnant with no socio-economic advancements and no improvement in the people's living standards.

The programme, organized by the Cultural Affairs Ministry, took place at the Osmani Memorial Auditorium with State Minister Naheed Ezaher Khan presiding.

Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque, Education Minister Mohibul Hassan Chowdhoury, PM's Advisor Kamal Abdul Naser, and Cabinet Secretary Md Mahbub Hossain also delivered speeches.

Cultural Affairs Secretary Khalil Ahmed gave the welcome address, followed by the iconic speech of Bangabandhu being played. The PM then enjoyed a cultural performance.

Meanwhile, The Prime Minister asked everyone to teach the young generation about the historical dates of the country and its journey towards independence.

"Our youth folks must know about these dates" she said while addressing a discussion marking the historic March 7 speech of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1971. Awami League organised the programme at its Dhaka District unit office in Tejgaon.

Hasina said that February 21 is the Language Martyrs Day and International Mother Language day, March 17 is the birth day of the Father of the Nation, March 26 is the Independence Day and December 16 is our victory day.

"We have to take lessons from the history, otherwise it would not be possible to advance forward," she said.

Hasina, also the ruling Awami League chief, reminded all that being in power is not just enjoying the facilities.

"The history of the struggle and sacrifices made to reach this place have to be known. Through this process everyone will acquire actual knowledge about the history of the country," she said.

She requested everyone to ensure that people must not forget the history of the country because history teaches how to move forward and be successful.

The PM said the March 7 speech encouraged each and every freedom fighter and the people of the country during the nine months of the Liberation War.

"The Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gave a total outline of the liberation war by the March 7 speech. That speech helped us attain our independence," she said.

She put emphasis on materialising the dream of Bangabandhu that he outlined through his iconic speech.

"He (the father of the nation) was not allowed to fulfill his work as he was brutally killed on August 15, 1975 and foul play was done with the fate of the people of this country," she said.

She also mentioned that no one could play ducks and drakes with the fate of the people of this country any more.

"Those who do not believe in Joy Bangla, do not accept March 7 speech that means they did not want the independent Bangladesh," she said without mentioning any names.

Hasina said that this section of people do not want the development of Bangladesh.

"They do not want the socioeconomic advancement of Bangladesh. Why people will cast their votes for them?," she said.

She mentioned that in 2008 election BNP and its allies got 30 seats only and after that they started to play games by boycotting the election or efforts to foil it.

Senior Awami League leaders also spoke at the programme.

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