Business Week enlists Yunus as one of 30 top entrepreneurs

FE Team | Published: July 02, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus is enlisted as one of the 30 top business entrepreneurs "of all time" by the Business Week in its June 27 issue for his contribution in economy and market, reports UNB.
Business Week wrote that Muhammad Yunus, the winner of 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, founded a banking system 30 years ago to lend small amounts of money to the rural poor people in Bangladeshi villages.
"Most of the low-interest microloans go to women, who use them to start their own profit-making enterprises, mainly in agriculture, crafts, or services."
Grameen Bank now has 2,422 branches, employs more than 20,000 people, and has given loans of more than $6.0 billion since its founding.
Borrowers own most of the equity in the bank. The company has been profitable in all but three years since it was founded, it said.
The other persons bracketed with Yunus are Zheng He (1371 to 1433), Benjamin Franklin (1706 to 1790), Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 to 1812), John Jacob Astor (1763 to 1848), John D Rockefeller (1839 to 1937), Thomas Edison (1847 to 1931), Milton Hershey (1857 to 1945), WK Kellogg (1860 to 1951), Joseph Horn (1861 to 1941) and Frank Hardart (1850 to 1918), Henry Ford (1863 to 1947), Ray Kroc (1902 to 1984), Madam CJ Walker (1867 to 1919), Estée Lauder (1907 to 2004), Ernest Gallo (1909 to 2007), Thomas Watson Sr. (1874 to 1956), Thomas Watson Jr. (1914 to 1993), Sam Walton (1918 to 1992), Earl Graves (1935), Andy Grove (1936), Ralph Lauren (1939), Martha Stewart (1941), Azim Premji (1945), Richard Branson (1950), Oprah Winfrey (1954), Steve Jobs (1955), Bill Gates (1955), Jeff Bezos (1964), Michael Dell (1965) and Pierre Omidyar (1967).

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