Delay in implementing projects 'causes credibility problem'

FE Team | Published: June 24, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

Delay in implementing development projects dents government credibility to the people, and donor agencies and countries, said the finance adviser, in reference to usual politico-bureaucratic foot-dragging practice.
"Delays in implementation of the development projects cause credibility problem of government to the donor agencies and countries, and mass people," Mirza Azizul Islam said Saturday while inaugurating a workshop on public procurement for secretaries of different ministries and the Planning Commission in the NEC conference room.
Central Procurement Technical Unit organised the workshop, aimed at bringing dynamism in the development administration in tune with the paradigm changes. Cabinet secretary Ali Imam Majumder was present as the special guest.
The finance adviser said delayed implementation of development projects creates adverse impact on the people, who will be beneficiary of these projects, while cost for the projects rises significantly.
Terming the traditional procurement procedure main hindrance to implementation of development projects in right time, he advised the secretaries to do advance planning for their future development projects.
"You have to plan in advance. You can make a list at the initial stage of a fiscal year, stating what you have to procure. You have to work out timeline for the procurement process and you must have a clear timeline and description and idea about the projects," he told the top bureaucrats.
The custodian of exchequer of the caretaker government also stressed close monitoring on the projects and taking appropriate actions to ensure the implementation in right time.
He asked the government high officials to motivate their colleagues through inspiration to act dynamically and decisively in implementing government's development agenda.
"You have to make yourself into a role model to your junior colleagues. And you can advise them time to time or, sometimes, you have to threaten them," the adviser advised the administrative bosses.
Speaking at the workshop, cabinet secretary Ali Imam Majumder said procurement procedure is a tool to run government. He praised the Public Procurement Act 2006, saying that although it is not foolproof, but it is better than the previous Public Procurement Regulation.
Referring to the need to change laws time to time, Majumder told his audience that enacting a law does not mean that this cannot be changed. "Even the law enacted today can be changed tomorrow, need be," he said-apparently underpinning the justification of the massive changes taking place nowadays in the interim period of governance.

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