E-commerce mkt size to hit $3.0b by ‘23

Local E-commerce market accounts for Tk 3.12 billion

FE Report | Published: November 03, 2020 23:36:04

E-commerce mkt size to hit $3.0b by ‘23

Bangladesh needs to strengthen its regulatory framework, make policies more business-friendly, and tackle existing challenges to help boost e-commerce in the country, business leaders and officials opined.
According to them, poor network connectivity, absence of user-friendly digital payment system, loopholes in the law to protect online buyers, and lack of skilled IT professionals are some of the challenges for the country's e-commerce business.
They made the observations at a webinar - 'E-Commerce and Consumer Rights in the time of Covid-19: Challenges and Way Forward' - organised by the Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI).
Commerce Secretary Dr. Jafar Uddin joined the webinar as the chief guest, while Ghulam Rahman, President of the Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB) joined as the special guest.
Syed Almas Kabir, President of the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS), presented keynote paper. Shams Mahmud, the DCCI President, moderated the programme.
Mohd. Humayun Kabir, Executive Director of the Bangladesh Bank (BB), Bablu Kumar Saha, Director General of the Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection (DNCRP), Tina Jabeen, Managing Director and CEO of Startup Bangladesh Ltd, and Syed Mostahidal Hoq, Managing Director of Daraz Bangladesh Ltd, spoke on the occasion, among others.
Mr Almas Kabir said as per the ICT adoption index, Bangladesh is ahead of India and Sri Lanka.
"There are 36 million active social media users in our country, and the f-commerce market size in Bangladesh is of Tk 3.12 billion."
Mr Kabir urged to bring f-commerce traders under a registration process, so that they can be monitored, regulated and financed.
In 2020, the e-commerce business experienced a significant 166 per cent growth, and by the year 2023 the market size of this sector will reach US$3.0 billion, he noted.
"In a bid to establish a suitable ecosystem for e-commerce, we need to solve issues like unreliable internet connection, ensure user-friendly easy payment system, and enhance skills of IT professionals."
Mr Kabir also underscored the need for measures to tackle unwanted cyber attack, enhance technology adaptation, build physical infrastructure, and offer fiscal and non-fiscal incentives for digital commerce entrepreneurs.
Dr. Jafar Uddin said e-commerce has proved its necessity in this prevailing pandemic situation.
The government in partnership with private sector has also introduced some e-commerce platforms, like - 'Ek Shop' and 'Digital Haat', which played a vital role during the lockdown period.
"We have also resorted to take help of e-commerce to sell onion at a reasonable price, while the traditional market was selling the item at much higher price."
In order to utilise huge potentials of e-commerce, a Digital Cell has been established in the Ministry of Commerce. An Advisory Committee is also working under the ministry's WTO Cell to ensure consumer-friendly digital commerce eco-system, he added.
Bablu Kumar Saha said the number of complaints, lodged with the DNCRP involving e-commerce, has increased in the recent times, which also reflects the rising number of e-commerce usage.
"Around 5,000 complaints have been reported with the government watchdog against the e-commerce operators since 2017," the DNCRP DG said, adding that most of these have already been settled.
The official urged the digital commerce operators to simplify their terms and conditions, so that the consumers can make decisions with clear concept.
Ghulam Rahman said along with e-commerce, f-commerce is also flourishing in the country.
"There should be a registration system for f-commerce entities to bring them under monitoring and accountability."
Along with the advancement of e-commerce, adequate rules and regulations should be in place, he added.
He also urged the e-commerce association to approach the government proactively to ensure proper regulatory framework for setting standard of good practices in the sector.


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