Editors' Council for measures against unwanted incidents

FE REPORT | Published: August 07, 2024 00:14:49

Editors' Council for measures against unwanted incidents

Editors' Council on Tuesday urged the President to take necessary measures so that no unwanted incidents like damage done to private and public property by unruly people happened after the resignation of Sheikh Hasina as Prime Minister on Monday.
The Council said such anarchy should be stopped immediately and the assets needed to be protected.
Besides, there had been incidents of looting and vandalism at several television and media outlets after the Prime Minister's resignation.
Even many attacked some journalists also.
The Editors' Council expressed its condemnation over these incidents.
It however requested the political parties and organisations and the people of the country to play their responsible role in this regard.
Sheikh Hasina resigned in the face of anti-quota and democratic movements of students.
Over the last three weeks, more than four hundred people had lost their lives, with many more injured. Five media workers were killed and hundreds were injured.
The political situation that has arisen since Hasina's resignation on August 5 led to a sense of anarchy, causing concern about safety of people as well as public and private assets.
Everyone is worried about the safety of people and public and private assets, it notes.
Factories and important law and order facilities were set on fire and vandalised.


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