Fallen autocrat, aides rise to take revenge : Fakhrul

FE REPORT | Published: August 09, 2024 23:51:46

Mirza Fakhrul

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said on Friday that the fallen autocrat and collaborators reappeared in a planned way on the field to take revenge on the interim government and the victorious students and people.
"We've got information from different sources that the fallen autocrat and collaborators have come down on the field to take revenge on the interim government, students and people," he said in a statement issued on Friday.
He also said that they (autocrat, students and people) were also using social media platforms in a planned way to shift the responsibility onto democratic political forces.
"A vested quarter of a neighbouring country by using some news channels and social media platforms there is relentlessly making campaign against the country."
He said that the properties and places of worships of Hindu, Buddhists and Christians communities are being intentionally targeted by that social media and news channels intentionally to fulfill their evil design.
Fakhrul said that their (the channels and social media) first and foremost target is to create a communal riot to split the society.
"They (the vested quarter) are also involved with evil efforts to create division among the people and the forces that have achieved the victory," he said.
"We hope that the interim government, administration and people from all strata are very much aware of that," he maintained.
"Our party (BNP) has so far taken some steps of our best (during the present situation)," he stated.
"I call upon the country's people and political parties to stand with the interim government, patriotic armed forces, administration, police, BGB and Ansar personnel for building a democratic and prosperous Bangladesh," he maintained.
Meanwhile, BNP said that people don't have any doubt about holding a free, fair and neutral election by the newly-formed interim government headed by Dr Muhammad Yunus.
The party came up with the positive view during a meeting between United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh Ms Gwyn Lewis and BNP leaders at party chairperson Khaleda Zia's political office in Gulshan area of the capital on Friday.
"A big change has taken place. The independence has come in the second time. The UN has provided support for protecting and preserving human rights. The fears among the people have disappeared," BNP standing committee member Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury told the media after the meeting. "We'll jointly build a future prosperous Bangladesh and support from the UN is needed to this end," he stated.
Ms Lewis told the media after the meeting that the UN is providing its full support to the interim government headed by Dr Muhammad Yunus.
She said that the UN was talking with all stakeholders, parties, including BNP and civil society members, on how to move Bangladesh forward.
She also says that the UN is expecting to see an investigation into the incidents (killings of students and innocent people) happened during the last few days (of the student movement) in Bangladesh.
She further says that all must remain calm for the sake of establishing peace and restoring discipline in the country.
BNP organising secretary Shama Obaid and UN human rights affairs expert in Dhaka Huma Khan were also present, among others.


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