France fears new war in Lebanon

FE Team | Published: July 29, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

The French Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner, has warned that Lebanon faces the danger of renewed war if there is not a resumption of political dialogue, according to BBC NEWS.
Kouchner is in Lebanon, meeting representatives of rival factions in an effort to break the months of political deadlock in the country.
He spoke after meeting pro-Western PM Fouad Siniora and Nabih Berri, the pro-Syrian parliamentary leader.
Mr Kouchner will also hold talks with Hezbollah, which leads the opposition.
His two-day visit is a follow-up to a conference France hosted earlier this month.
So far, every attempt to bring Lebanon's feuding political factions to the table has failed.
Mr Kouchner said some progress had been made in his talks, "but that does not mean everything has been settled. Far from it.
"If the Lebanese do not resume this necessary dialogue, unfortunately there will be more war."
Lebanese officials say Mr Kouchner suggested that the rival parties discuss electing a new president and forming a government of national unity.
The two sides are still deeply divided, with tensions expected to escalate in the next few months over the who succeeds the Christian and pro-Syrian President, Emile Lahoud, when his term expires later this year.
Syria and Iran would like a president that supports their interests while the US and Europe are backing Prime Minister Siniora and his Western-leaning government, says the BBC's Christian Fraser in Beirut.

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