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Gono Forum MPs-elect ‘won’t take oath’

FE Report | January 07, 2019 00:00:00

A day after dropping hints about joining the next parliament, Gono Forum on Sunday ruled out the possibility saying that its lawmakers elected in the 11th general election would not take oath.

The decision came at an emergency meeting of the steering committee of Jatiya Oikya Front (JOF) held at the chamber of Dr Kamal Hossain in the capital's Motijheel area.

Dr Kamal Hossain, president of Gono Forum, an ally of Oikya Front, at a press briefing on Saturday gave hints about joining the parliament by its two elected lawmakers after terming their victory a 'great achievement'.

It later triggered a controversy over disagreements among the alliance partners.

Following the meeting, general secretary of Gono Forum Mostafa Mohsin Montu told reporters that none of the lawmakers elected from JOF would join the parliament.

Responding to a query about a possible rift in the opposition alliance, he said there was no disagreement among the alliance partners on the issue of joining the House.

"Dr Kamal Hossain didn't say that Gono Forum lawmakers will take oath. It is the mistake of media. Hopefully, no misunderstanding will arise from now," he said.

After the mockery in December 30 (election), he said, JOF is now more united to ensure voting and democratic rights of the country's people.

Mr Montu said the alliance clearly rejected the results of the national polls soon after voting ended and it proved that fair and credible election is not possible under a political government.

"We'll continue our movement demanding elections under a non-party neutral government. We'll sit again on January 08 to chalk out next course of actions," he added.

President of Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal (JSD) ASM Abdur Rob ruled out the possibility of a rift in the alliance of five political parties, including Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).

"Unity was forged for greater interests of the people to uphold democracy and it will remain intact in the coming days as well," he said.

Seven JOF candidates including two from Gono Forum were elected lawmakers in the 11th general election held on December 30 last.

JOF convener Dr Kamal Hossain, BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury, convener of Nagorik Oikya Mahmudur Rahman Manna, president of Krishak Sramik Janata League (KSJL) Kader Siddique and Gono Forum executive president Subrata Chowdhury were, among others, present at the meeting.

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