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Kashmir is India’s internal matter, says Dr Momen

FE Report | August 21, 2019 00:00:00

Bangladesh, in principle, believes that Kashmir issue is India's internal affair, foreign minister Dr AK Abdul Momen said on Tuesday.

"They have not asked us anything about Kashmir and they have not raised the issue. Nevertheless, we in principle believe that this is their own affair," the minister told a group of newsmen when asked whether the Kashmir issue was raised during his meeting with the visiting Indian foreign minister Dr S Jaishankar.

"But we want peace in the region, we want stability and development here," the minister added.

Dr Momen also said he was highly satisfied with the outcome of the meeting.

"We have offered them to use our river and sea ports so that we will be benefited. They have agreed to use our ports. We can generate employment opportunities and earn revenue of they use our ports" the minister argued.

The foreign minister also added that Bangladesh has urged India to take measures to stop killing of Bangladeshi people on the border.

"They said that they took steps so that suck killing would never take place. But, recently, some incidents have taken place and they are looking into it. They also said that in some cases local villagers killed the Bangladeshis when they were trying to steal betel nuts from their trees" Dr Momen mentioned.

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