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Search date: 21-08-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Averting exposure to frauds

In today's inter-connected global economy, banks are working to increase their market shares in trade services by linking importers and exporters though several payments and financing products. In the coming years, banks should expect to increase their shares in trade-related transactions and services and, as a by-product, their exposure to...

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Factoring - an important business-to-business tool

The financial transaction or the arrangement through which a company sells its invoiced debts to a third party, at discount in exchange for immediate cash to finance continued business, is called Factoring. Factoring may be for domestic, export or import trade financing contracts.Some researchers observed the sixteenth century as the...

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Equipping the young people to navigate the technological revolution

The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) is convinced that the world's 1.8 billion adolescents and youth - a quarter of the global population - have a key role to play in helping implement the UN's 2030 Development Agenda.In an interview with IPS, UNFPA Deputy Executive Director (Programme) Dereje Wordofa, said "young...

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