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Myanmar rejects call for Rohingya 'safe zone'

September 30, 2019 00:00:00

Myanmar has rejected calls to establish a 'safe zone' for its minority Muslim Rohingya community and urged Bangladesh to carry out the repatriation of the refugees in accordance with a bilateral agreement between the neighbouring countries, reports bdnews24.com.

Addressing the UN General Assembly Saturday, Kyaw Tint Swe, Myanmar's minister for the office of the state counsellor said "Issues between neighbours can and must be resolved bilaterally in an amicable and friendly manner."

"There have been persistent calls to put pressure on Myanmar. There is also a call to set up a 'safe zone' inside Myanmar. Such a demand is neither warranted nor workable."

Bangladesh is currently hosting more than 1.1 million Rohingyas. Over 700,000 Rohingyas sought shelter in Cox's Bazar following August 2017 military crackdown in the Rakhine State that the UN termed "ethnic cleansing".

Despite attempts to repatriate the refugees, no-one returned to their homeland citing Myanmar's failure to create conditions conducive to their "voluntary, safe and dignified" return.

But Swe rejected the notion that the conditions around Rohingya repatriation be set by anyone other than Myanmar and Bangladesh. The two nations signed an agreement in late 2017 to address the issue, which according to Swe is the 'only feasible way to resolve the issue of the displaced persons'.

Myanmar is not a party to the court and Swe said an investigation by the country's military recently produced an announcement that "suggests that there will soon be a court martial."

In her address to the UN on Sept 27, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina underscored the magnitude of the Rohingya crisis and warned that it is becoming a threat for the entire region.

The Bangladesh leader also pointed to problems with health and security in the area due to congestion and environmental degradation.

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