No live broadcast of budget this time: Azizul

FE Team | Published: June 05, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

The government will not present the national budget live, for the first time in 22 years, reports

"A recorded budget speech will be broadcast and telecast over state-run radio and television on June 7," Finance Adviser AB Mirza Azizul Islam told the news agency Monday.

There would also be a web-cast of the budget on the Finance Ministry site, he said.

Islam, a former top bureaucrat, ruled out any live budgetary speech before an audience this year.

Earlier in 1985, M Saiduzzaman, the then finance adviser of the Ershad-led non-elected government, presented the budget over the state-run radio and television.

Before Saiduzzaman, Gen Ziaur Rahman had presented three budgets in similar style since 1976-77. Later, MA Munem and Wahidul Haque presented two similar budgets at the beginning of the Ershad regime.

This time, newspaper reports said, the budget for FY2007-08 would be placed before a select audience at a place like the Bangladesh-China Friendship Conference Centre or the National Economic Council Conference Room besides being broadcast and telecast by the radio and the TV.

"There will be no live presentation of the budget before the audience from any place," the finance adviser said.

He, however, said copies of the budget would be given to dignitaries and journalists.

Finance Ministry officials said comments on the budget will be sought on the website and accordingly, the ministry will prepare a list of recommendations on priority basis for the consideration of advisers' council.

The officials said the budget would be approved on June 30 through a presidential ordinance.

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