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PM in London on official visit

Joins envoys' confce today

July 20, 2019 00:00:00

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina exchanges pleasantries with ministers, state ministers, Chief Whip, foreign diplomats, cabinet secretary, chiefs of three services and civil and military high officials before her departure to United Kingdom at Hazral Shahajalal International Airport on Friday— PID

LONDON, July 19 (BSS): Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina arrived here on Friday afternoon on an official visit to the United Kingdom.

Bangladesh High Commissioner in London Saida Muna Tasneem received the prime minister at the airport.

Sheikh Hasina will attend a conference of Bangladesh envoys in Europe, the first of its kind, in the British capital of London tomorrow (Saturday).

At the advice of Bangladeshi doctors, he said, the prime minister would also receive eye treatment in London.

"The prime minister will join the conference at a hotel in the British capital tomorrow afternoon (London time)," PM's Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim said.

He said 15 Bangladesh ambassadors, high commissioners and permanent representatives posted in different countries of Europe will attend the conference.

Foreign Ministry sources said the prime minister is likely to hold discussions with the Bangladeshi envoys in Europe on various issues and give them necessary directives.

The issues include enhancing Bangladesh's image further in Europe, boosting trade and commerce and attracting more investment in the country.

Sheikh Hasina is expected to discuss with the envoys the Rohingya issue, climate change, irregular migration, post-Brexit situation and its impact on Bangladesh as well as the celebrations of the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the golden jubilee of the country's independence.

The prime minister is expected to return home on August 5, he added.

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