PM seeks ideas to furnish goals for 2041 from bureaucrats

FE Team | Published: July 04, 2018 23:41:16

PM seeks ideas to furnish goals for 2041 from bureaucrats

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina laid utmost importance on Wednesday upon formulating a long-term plan for overall development of the country, report agencies.
She sought well-thought out ideas in this connection particularly from the bureaucrats to prepare the nation's development pathway for 2041.
"We have already started working upon preparing the plan for 2021-2041 and if you have any idea or plan to supplement, you can submit it to the government to make a better roadmap," she said.
The Prime Minister (PM) said this at a function marking the signing of the Annual Performance Agreement (APA) of ministries and subordinate bodies 2018-19 fiscal at the International Conference Center (ICC) at her office.
Sheikh Hasina also appreciated the public servants for realising the ultimate goal of the government and working to take the country to the height it wants to see.
"You have realised what we want, what the goals we want to achieve and the level we want to take the country. Being able to realise this and implement this is the main thing," she said.
She said her government wants to advance the country fast. "We want the country to be prosperous and developed getting free from corruption, militancy, terrorism and drugs. That is our ultimate goal," she said.
Sheikh Hasina said the height Bangladesh has attained in the world arena has to be maintained in the coming days. "We have to maintain that and we have to keep that in mind."
About the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), she mentioned that like the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) these will also be achieved. "We will surely be able to show our skill in implementing that and we are taking programmes keeping that in mind," Hasina said.
The PM said the APA makes the officials responsible up to the grassroots level which helps complete the development works in a specific timeframe and people will enjoy its benefits.
She thanked the secretaries for signing the Annual Performance Agreement soon after passing the budget in parliament saying it will help implement the development projects in a faster way.
Sheikh Hasina said Awami League is taking the country forward with a specific and well-thought out short- and long-term plans, given shape in consultation at different levels of the party for many years.
The APA will help improve the efficiency and accountability of government offices and expedite the implementation of government policies and programmes under an intensive monitoring system, she hoped.
"The APA is an internal mechanism of the civil administration from top to the grassroots level to ensure accountability of government officials aimed at evaluating their yearly performance and making them accountable to their responsibilities," she said.

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