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Drive to expand tax net, raise revenues

Taxmen fan out to spot taxable income-holders countrywide

NBR launches new Spot Assessment Initiative

FE REPORT | March 20, 2025 00:00:00

Taxmen fan out to spot taxable income-holders across the country under a latest drive to expand the tax net and raise government revenues, officials say.

The National Board of Revenue (NBR) has launched the new Spot Assessment Initiative along with a simplified tax-payment system with assessors reaching taxpayers directly at their doorstep.

This initiative -- part of massive financial and revenue reforms kicked off by the interim government -- is aimed at finding individuals and businesses with taxable incomes who are required to file income-tax returns but have not yet done so, says the revenue board in a news release.

By visiting business premises and offering direct services, spot assessment facilitates easy submission of tax returns, as the entire system is reported to have long been riddled with hassles.

This programme is encouraging new taxpayers to voluntarily comply with tax regulations.

"Several tax zones have already begun implementing the initiative, playing a crucial role in raising tax-awareness among business owners, professionals, and the public, while fostering a culture of tax compliance," says the revenue board.

At present, tax offices across districts and sub-districts nationwide have actively resumed spot-assessment operations.

Tax Commissioners are supervising the initiative within their respective jurisdictions by setting up camps at designated locations.

These camps provide direct assistance to business owners, professionals, and taxpayers in filing their income-tax returns online. Additionally, taxpayers can receive necessary consultations to resolve any tax-related issues.

To ensure the success of this initiative, the NBR urges business associations, chambers of commerce, business leaders, local administrations, prominent figures, and taxpayers to extend their "full cooperation and support".

"The enthusiastic participation of taxpayers will contribute to the continued funding of national-development projects, including infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other essential public services," says the government's revenue authority.

The NBR believes that the Spot Assessment Initiative will increase tax compliance and strengthen the overall tax system.

Bangladesh's revenue target for the current fiscal year (FY) 2024-25 was set at Tk 4.80 trillion. But the government lowered the tax- revenue-collection target to Tk 4.635 trillion following a negative growth in collection in the first six months.


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