Updated IMED website to be launched July 25

FE Team | Published: July 18, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

FE Report
The Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) of the planning ministry will launch its updated website next week to bring about transparency in the affairs of the caretaker government.
"We've already updated the website … It will be formally launched on the 25th July," a senior IMED official said.
"In addition to the regular activities of the planning ministry, the updated website will provide the implementation progress of development projects being executed by various ministries, divisions and government agencies," the official added.
The renewed website is expected to put the execution of development projects under public scrutiny.
"It will certainly act as an implicit pressure on the executing agencies to ensure timely implementation of the annual development programme (ADP)," IMED officials noted.
The officials pointed out that the website would furnish the quarterly implementation progress of the projects executed by top 10 ministries. On the basis of resource allocations, the planning ministry has identified top 10 ministries, including education, health, agriculture, communications and local government.
The Chief Adviser Fakhruddin Ahmed also gave the directive to the ministries to report the progress of ADP implementation on a quarterly basis to the ECNEC (Executive Committee of the National Economic Council).
"The broader goal of the government is to make the ministries accountable to the people. The updated information on the web site will also stimulate competition among the ministries and divisions to be sincere in project implementation," an IMED official said.
The size of the current fiscal's ADP is Tk 26.50 billion, of which Tk 13.7 billion (52 percent) is local component and Tk 12.8 billion (48 percent) is foreign resources.
Slow progress, procedural delay, and lack of institutional capacity are often blamed for the poor ADP implementation.
The sources said the IMED renewed its website following a directive from the finance and planning adviser who asked the officials to take measures so that the people are kept abreast with the latest information about the ADP implementation.

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