Vessel owners warned of stern action against taking extra fares

Talha Bin Habib | Published: July 25, 2014 00:00:00 | Updated: November 30, 2024 06:01:00

Stern actions will be taken against the launch owners if they charge fares beyond the chart fixed by the government for the homebound passengers on the occasion of the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr, warned the government and launch owners association.
The warnings issued by the government and the inland water transport association came Thursday with the starting of special launch service on the day for the homebound passengers for celebrating the biggest Muslim festival. The special service will remain in operation until August 3.
It has become a common phenomenon among a section of profit-monger launch owners to increase fares for their petty monetary gain despite their pledge not to do it, passengers said.
"Action will be taken against the launch owners if they realise extra fares from the homebound passengers during the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr," Shipping Minister Shahjahan Khan said while visiting Mawa Ferry Ghat on the day.
He called upon the passengers to lodge complaints against launch owners if they notice any irregularities committed by them with the police administration.   
Echoing the shipping minister the chairman of Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) told the FE, "We will take action against the launch owners if they fail to follow the decisions taken at a meeting between the government and the launch owners".
Earlier, the BIWTA, launch owners and other government agencies concerned at a meeting on July 16, 2014 in the capital decided to take some measures that include sale of tickets as per the government fixed price and debarring passengers from travelling on the rooftop of the launches during the upcoming Eid festival to be celebrated either on July 29/ 30 depending on sighting of the moon.  
In the meeting the launch owners pledged to offer 10 per cent discount of launch fares during the upcoming Eid.
Asked about action to be taken against launch owners if they violate the decisions, the chairman of Bangladesh Inland Water Transport (passenger carriers') Association Mahbub Uddin Ahmed Bir Bikram told the FE, "We will take action against launch owners if they charge fares beyond the chart fixed by the government and the launch owners".
He said if a launch owner violates the decisions then the owners might face stern actions that include even the cancellation of route permit.
He said a launch gets time table for operation after getting fitness certificate issued by the Directorate General (DG) of Shipping.
The DG Shipping carries out survey to determine fitness of the ships/launches. If they find a ship/ launch is fit for service then the owner of the water transports (ship/ launch) will get fitness certificate for operation.  Responding to a query about plying of 'age old launches' during the Eid season by a section of unscrupulous owners, Mr Ahmed said, "If any one could prove this then we will take action against them (ship/ launch owners)".   
He said they are ready to provide launches against the passengers demand for special services.      
"We had discussed it with the launch owners. They have assured us that they will be able to operate additional launches considering the number of passengers," a joint director of Dhaka (Sadarghat) river port preferring anonymity told the FE.
The BIWTA chairman said they will gear up safety measures for the homebound launch passengers during the upcoming Eid festival, and are taking all necessary preparations in this regard.
He said passengers' safety measures will be increased this year compared to the previous years, as they will deploy river police for the first time along with coast guard, fire service and BIWTA personnel.
"BIWTA will engage 40 ships to ensure passengers' security. Besides, it will give 10 speedboats to the police for patrolling the rivers routes," he said.

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