What triggered M-E turbulence?

From Fazle Rashid | Published: April 17, 2011 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

From Fazle Rashid
NEW YORK, Apr 16: The political turbulence now sweeping the Arab world and north African nations was triggered by Mohammad Bouazizi, a Tunisian fruit and vegetable vendor who set himself on fire as his sales dropped due to price hike, the World Bank chief Robert Zoellick said. The World Bank will return to its previous criteria of good governance, accountability, transparency and access to information as conditions of its lending. The Bank had previously argued that its operation would come to a halt because there is hardly any recipient country where all these conditions exist. The World Bank chief said external financing is not the only way to deal with rising food prices. There has to be policy reforms in the affected countries. He urged food surplus countries not to stop humanitarian food supplies to World Food Programme and such other agencies.

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