Zoellick obtains board support to lead World Bank

FE Team | Published: June 23, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

WASHINGTON, June 22 (Xinhua):Robert B. Zoellick, U.S. President Bush's nominee for president of the World Bank, has secured the support of the bank's board of directors after his recent meetings with bank representatives around the world, The New York Times reported yesterday.
Zoellick, 53, met with the bank's 24-member board on Wednesday and outlined his views of the bank's opportunities and difficulties and told members that he would strive to stabilize the bank, accord ing to the report.
"The board found Zoellick to be somebody who understands the issues and the needs of the bank," the report quoted a senior bank official as saying. "It was a very positive meeting from the board 's point of view."
The board is expected to formalize its support for Zoellick on Monday.
Zoellick's predecessor, Paul D. Wolfowitz, resigned in May amid accusations of favoritism to his companion, a bank employee. His resignation will become effective on June 30.

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