Coping with anxiety and uncertainty during challenging times

People have lost focus and are struggling to concentrate on anything and everything as dramatic events kept unfolding

NUSRAT MUNIA | Published: August 07, 2024 00:48:12

Coping with anxiety and uncertainty during challenging times

In times of uncertainty, anxiety can be a pervasive and unsettling force. And who knows better than the whole generation Z of Bangladesh, who have recently spent weeks of sleepless nights? Such a force within is like an emotion that often prompts us to seek control over our situations, whether it involves planning for a future event, securing our health, or managing our finances. People have lost focus and are struggling to concentrate on anything and everything as dramatic events kept unfolding.
While taking practical steps to protect our physical health is important, embracing the slower pace of life, accepting uncertainty, and maintaining hope are equally crucial.
"In such restless times, we first forget our physical well-being. We eat less and don't bother about what we are eating. Our meal schedule spoils easily while nutrition gets the least priority," Mohammad Rafi, a CSE graduate from Dhaka University, shared.
Taking care of our physical needs is foundational to maintaining overall health and well-being. This includes ensuring access to healthy food, regular exercise, exposure to sunlight and nature, adequate rest, and fulfilling social needs.
"When these basic needs are met, we experience a sense of satisfaction that positively influences our mental and physical health," added Rafi.
Sumaiya Shehrin, an HR officer at a reputed telecom company in Bangladesh, prioritises routine the most. "Routines provide structure to our lives and are crucial for our emotional health and self-esteem. While major events may disrupt our daily rhythms, maintaining some semblance of routine helps us stay organised and contribute to a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day," explained Sumaiya about how routine helps her bring back mental peace.
On the other hand, her friend Mehrun Nisha keeps her stress at bay by being active. She starts her day with a reminder that there are still important tasks to accomplish, whether related to work, study, or new hobbies.
"Creating a to-do list can be a helpful tool for keeping track of daily habits, tasks, and goals. Staying in touch with extended family and discussing your plans with them can provide valuable support and ideas," Nisha shared her strategy.
While staying informed is important, balancing screen time and disconnecting when necessary is equally crucial. Overexposure to news and social media can exacerbate anxiety and create unnecessary fears, especially when coverage is sensationalised and many rumours are being circulated. Rather, taking a break and engaging in mindful self-care activities like
Sumaiya, in this regard, shared, "As a family, consider creating screen-free evenings where you engage in activities together, such as cooking, playing games, or learning something new. These shared experiences can strengthen bonds and create lasting memories."
For parents, times like internet blackouts and government holidays led by a curfew brought the challenge of balancing work, homeschooling, and household responsibilities. Establishing a reasonable schedule for children, similar to a school routine, can help them stay on track with their learning while also allowing you to manage your own commitments. Involving children in collaborative activities, such as cooking or crafts, can be a rewarding way to spend time together. As children nowadays spend most of their time with devices, an internet blackout was an opportunity for parents to engage with them better. It's important to set boundaries around screen time for children, as excessive screen use can lead to issues with attention and behaviour. Instead, focus on activities that encourage creativity, learning, and physical activity.
Small changes can make a big difference, thinks Abrar Ahmed, who was heavily involved in the recent student uprising. He shared how he remained strong in the face of uncertainty, "Building resilience to uncertainty can be achieved through small, deliberate changes in daily life. Gradually increasing your tolerance for uncertainty can reduce the risk of anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. Simple actions, such as taking a different walking route, trying a new exercise routine, or reading about unfamiliar topics, can help you become more adaptable and flexible in your thinking."
It's easy to react impulsively in stressful situations, often based on unconscious biases and emotions. However, taking the time to respond thoughtfully can lead to better outcomes. Responding requires focus, attention, and mindfulness, allowing you to consider the long-term effects of your actions.
Again, conflicts arose when educational institutions were shut and all the children were at home. Parents need to keep things fair and organised to minimise home conflicts between siblings. Sharing responsibilities, creating chore lists, and involving children in household tasks can help distribute the workload and reduce stress.
Finally, communicate assertively and respectfully. Clearly express your feelings and needs while also being mindful of others. Striking a balance between asserting your needs and being considerate can help maintain harmony in relationships. A harmonious relationship at home is the most important element for staying strong during challenging times.

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