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Do you feel like you are from an early generation?

Khalid Saifullah Khan | June 26, 2024 00:00:00

Feeling like you're from an older generation seems common these days, perhaps more so on social media with those old romantic songs or vintage cars. Even though it is not this much, reality also creates some moments where we feel like we should have been born earlier.

From the very beginning of humankind, people have been craving to be a part of the place where they fit in. This thought makes all the difference. Every generation has its stereotypes, more often given by another generation. For instance, Generation Z would argue that even if Millenials are influential, confident, and nostalgic, they also tend to lack engagement, set too many boundaries, and are difficult to work with. Likewise, Millennials would argue that Gen Z doesn't want to work, only cares about salary, and is screen-obsessed. A large number of people fit into these stereotypes, but there are a lot who don't. And there comes the idea of feeling like 'from a different generation.'

Millennials, who are more into technology and the modern competitive world, may feel they should have been born with Generation Z's most updated technologies to experience the faster world. Likewise, some Gen Z fellas may feel they are more into old-school romances than a modern dating culture or having those philosophical thoughts that the Millenials love sharing. This is happening with many Gen Zs around the world, and thus, it has become a sensation these days to feel like an old soul.

Classical music lovers often feel like they are from an early generation, as the new generation's trendy pop and rock music isn't their cup of tea. Homayra Mahzabin Ankita, who is very passionate about classical music, says, "Well, not all the time, but sometimes I do feel like I am from an earlier generation. I don't know why, but on some occasions, my thoughts and beliefs resonate more with the earlier generations. I don't agree with my generation's ideas about friendship, love, right and wrong, etc. However, I also don't agree with many of the ideas and beliefs of the older generations. So it feels like I am partially from an earlier generation."

As Homayra said, the ideas of the generations make a difference as well. Sometimes, we see things from a different perspective than our peers, and sometimes, those perspectives align with our parents instead. Granted, aligning with parents' perspectives is a highly unlikely scenario, but aligning with an older generational view isn't.

On the contrary, those more dependent on modern technology and fascinated by the faster world may feel that they were born perfect in time. A tech-savvy graphic designer, Saiyara Hossain, says, "With all the cool tech upgrades and the modern world around me, I don't feel like I'm from an early generation. But the thought of living earlier and experiencing a simpler life fascinates me a lot."

However, the different views between generations aren't limited to work ethics, technology, the arts, and cultures. The views of family structure, gender roles, and social norms also change over time. Where Baby Boomers followed patriarchy at its core, Millennials were trying to find the balance, and now, Gen Z understands women empowerment's importance better than the earlier generations. Some people belong to Generation Z, who feel fascinated by the idea of an older family structure and patriarchy. They, too, feel like they have been born into the wrong generation.

For the same reason, those working for women's empowerment or are aware of it never feel like they belong to an older generation. In fact, sometimes, they despise the older generation. Zubair Hossain, who works for women's empowerment through various projects and organisations, says, "No, I don't feel that way, and I'm glad I'm not from an earlier generation, haha."

In the end, it all depends on perspective and what you miss about the earlier generations. Sometimes, we love old music, old-school romance, or the simple thought processes of older people, but at the same time, we know we wouldn't be fit for the older generation for tech and all that. This is how 'feeling like from an earlier generation' seems to be a relative and non-consistent feeling that people often feel.

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