Do's and don'ts of men's skincare

DR IMTIAZ AHMED | Published: May 14, 2024 20:12:27

Do's and don'ts of men's skincare

Skincare is not solely for women; it is important for men, too. Nowadays, many men understand the importance of their skin health, but many still perceive using skincare products as too feminine. Renowned skincare brand Tiége Hanley conducted a poll among Western men and found that about one-third do not even wash their faces regularly.
According to US Board-Certified dermatologists Dr. Corey Hartman and Dr. David Kim, skin care for men is crucial to keeping the skin hydrated, smooth, and healthy. They stressed two things. First, washing with a cleanser. There is a misconception that cleaners are unnecessary if makeup is not worn. Cleansers remove more than makeup; they cleanse the skin surface of dead cells, dirt, microbes, etc. The cleansing routine should include both morning and night cleansing.
Depending on the skin type, choosing the right cleanser is critical. For oily and acne-prone skin, cleansers with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide are best. These ingredients help destroy bacteria and clean the pores. Some of these cleansers might not be available without a prescription.
Sensitive skin necessitates delicate care, with a fragrance-and sulfate-free cleansing product. For dry or combination skin, the cleanser should be creamy with moisturising components. A non-drying cleanser free of fragrance and sulfate is recommended for skin with signs of ageing, i.e., mature skin.
The moisturiser is the second important part of the skincare routine for men, as suggested by Dr Hartman and Dr Kim. They help to keep the skin balanced and hydrated. Again, their choice will vary according to the skin type. An oily skin will require water-based, non-comedogenic products and will be negatively affected by thick, creamy type. On the contrary, dry and combination skin will need exactly that, preferably with lipids and ceramides. Sensitive skin needs a fragrance-free formulation with aloe or any other calming ingredients. Peptide-containing products are better for mature skin. Whatever we use, moisturising twice daily should be the norm.
Sunscreens should also not be forgotten, especially in summer. A broad-spectrum product with SPF 30 or more is advisable. It should be applied as needed.
There are other skin care products men can utilise. One is exfoliators. Dr. Kim suggests chemical ones due to their lower abrasive potential than physical products. Eyeliners can also be useful for dark circles and fine lines. Vitamin-C-containing formulations are pretty good for the first one, and for the latter, peptides, retinol, etc., are good choices.
Now comes shaving, which is something a lot of us do daily. Dr. Hartman advises that it does not matter what the formulation is (gel/foam/cream); all that matters is whether it irritates the skin. If not, then it is a good choice. Otherwise, we might have to rethink the product. If the skin continues to irritate and no product seems suitable, we may need to check the razor. Modern multi-blade razors may cause irritation. If razor burns and bumps are frequent, switching to a single or double-bladed one is better. Sprinkle water on the skin before shaving; do not try to make it taut, and direct the razor along the way of hair growth. Rinse frequently, and after every 5-7 shaves, change the blade.
Skin care is important for everyone. Men should work to develop a routine and stick to it. Product choice should be based on the skin type. If there are any serious issues, it is better to reach out to a dermatologist.

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