Sleep disruption

How to avoid it in hot and humid weather

NISHAT MUNIA | Published: April 16, 2024 19:57:24

Sleep disruption

In Bangladesh, we often experience sweltering heat and oppressive humidity, especially during summer. For many, extreme temperatures and sticky humidity make life hard during this time of the year. If you check your Android device for a regular weather update, you may have often noticed that the 'feels like temperature' is way too high than the actual temperature. This is because of the high amount of humidity.
Amid all the hassles, like extra sweating, a peaceful night's sleep becomes difficult this season as there is plenty of load-shedding. While air conditioning may not be accessible to all, there are several simple yet effective strategies that can help ensure a restful slumber, even in the most scorching conditions.
Dinner rules
The first step to ensuring a good night's sleep is reshaping your dinner habits. If you are used to eating late at night, change the routine. Have your dinner at least three hours before bedtime. Avoid heavy and spicy foods that can cause digestion issues and disrupt sleep.
Restructure sleeping space
Creating a conducive environment for sleep is essential. Start by choosing the most incredible room in your home for sleeping. Pick a room with good airflow, such as one with several windows, if possible. Consider using light-coloured curtains or shades to reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption. Also, decluttering your sleeping area can promote better airflow and ventilation.
Stay hydrated
During hot and humid weather, staying hydrated throughout the day is crucial. Drink plenty of water, especially in the hours leading up to bedtime. However, be mindful of consuming excessive fluids too close to bedtime to avoid disruptive trips to the bathroom during the night.
Light clothing
Opt for lightweight, breathable sleepwear from natural fibres like cotton or linen. These fabrics allow better air circulation and moisture absorption, helping to keep you cool and comfortable throughout the night. Avoid synthetic materials that can trap heat and sweat, leading to discomfort and disrupted sleep.
Electric fan positioning
While air conditioning may not be widely available, electric fans, along with the ceiling fan, can be a lifesaver in hot and humid conditions. Position fans near windows or doorways to draw in cooler air from outside. To enhance their cooling effect, place a bowl of ice or a damp cloth in front of the fan to create a makeshift air conditioner. Keeping a bucket of cool water in your bedroom can make the air feel more relaxed than usual.
Shower before bedtime
A refreshing shower before bedtime can help lower your body temperature and promote relaxation. Opt for lukewarm water rather than cold, as extreme temperatures can shock your system and make it harder to fall asleep. After showering, allow your body to air dry or pat yourself dry with a towel to prevent sweating once you get into bed.
Proper bedding
Your choice of bedding can significantly impact your sleep quality. Swap out heavy blankets and comforters for lightweight alternatives, such as a thin cotton sheet or a breathable summer duvet. Sleeping on a rexine is a big no if you don't want to wake up sunk in sweat at midnight.
Relaxation techniques
Hot and humid weather can exacerbate feelings of restlessness and discomfort, making it harder to unwind and fall asleep. To counteract this, incorporate relaxation techniques into your bedtime routine. Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or gentle stretching can help calm your mind and prepare your body for sleep. Listen to soothing music or natural sounds to drown out external noise and promote relaxation.
Above all, avoiding devices before bedtime is a no-brainer. Try to finish up the necessary chores well before you go to bed. In that way, you prepare your body before it finally falls asleep.

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